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How LinkedIn Serves over 4.8 Million Member Profiles per Second
LinkedIn introduced Couchbase as a centralized caching tier for scaling member profile reads to handle increasing traffic that has outgrown their existing database cluster. The new solution achieved over 99% hit rate, helped reduce tail latencies by more than 60% and costs by 10% annually.
Couchbase Details Its Distributed ACID Transaction Architecture
Couchbase recently published a detailed explanation of its distributed multi-document ACID transaction implementation. In its blog post, Couchbase lays out how its DB engine supports the Monotonic Atomic View consistency model, which is a strengthened version of the Read Committed consistency model.
Using Language and Developer Friendly Data Structures with Couchbase
Couchbase APIs have evolved to provide programming language friendly data structures making it easier for programmers to incorporate into the respective programs. Some examples highlight how to use data structures with the Couchbase Python SDK.
Couchbase Announces the General Availability of Its Cloud Database on AWS
Recently Couchbase announced the general availability of Couchbase Cloud, a fully managed Database-as-a-Service (DBaaS). The Cloud NoSQL service is currently available on Amazon Web Services (AWS), and Microsoft Azure and Google will follow by the end of the year.
Couchbase 4.6 Developer Preview Released, Adds Real-Time Connectors for Apache Spark 2.0 and Kafka
Couchbase 4.6 Developer Preview features full text search improvements, cross data center replication with globally-ordered conflict resolution and connectors for real-time analytics technologies: one for Spark 2.0 and the other for Kafka.
Couchbase 4.0 Supports Multi-dimensional Scaling, Geospatial Indexes and New Query Language N1QL
Latest version of Document NoSQL database Couchbase supports multi-dimensional scaling, geospatial indexes and new query language called N1QL. Couchbase team announced earlier this month the general availability of Couchbase Server 4.0 version which also supports new filtering capabilities on Cross Datacenter Replication (XDCR) and enhanced security.
Couchbase to Replace its Storage Engine with Homegrown ForestDB
Couchbase is expected to replace its Database engine with a homegrown engine based on B+-Trees called ForestDB. The replacement is expected to result in significant performance gains and better transactional support.
NoSQL Benchmark Compares Aerospike, Cassandra, Couchbase and MongoDB
A recent set of benchmarks compares Aerospike, Cassandra, Couchbase and MongoDB to see how they fare when it comes to insert throughput, maximum throughput, latency and behavior during a failover.
Couchbase Releases Couchbase Server 2.0 GA
Couchbase Server 2.0 main features include flexible JSON data model, distributed indexing and querying, incremental map-reduce, and cross data center replication.
CouchDB versus Couchbase: What are the differences, and what happened to Membase?
Recently Couchbase published a comparison of Couchbase and CouchDB to denote the differences and simlarities between the two. This document addresses a common question: "What is the difference between CouchDB and Couchbase?", and what happened to Membase? InfoQ caught up with James Phillips, a Couchbase founder, to discuss the comparison and the merger of the two products Membase and CouchDB.
Memcached surpasses EhCache and Coherence in Java Job Demand
Around January 2011, Memcached became the number one caching solution based on Java developer job demand. Memcached expanded beyond its LAMP roots. InfoQ caught up with Dustin Sallings, the implementer of Spymemcached the leading Java Memcached client, to get his perspective on the rise of Memcached in the Java world.
Couchbase Announces Couchbase Server and an Advisory Board
Couchbase, the company recently formed by merging Membase and CouchOne, has announced the availability of Couchbase Server in addition to Membase Server and Mobile Couchbase, along with the Advisory Board Members.
NoSQL Shake-Up. Membase and CouchOne merge into Couchbase
The shape of the NoSQL landscape is changing. The first big market aggregation took place with the merger of Membase Inc. with CouchOne into Couchbase. InfoQ spoke with James Phillip and Damien Katz about the benefits of the merger and future products.