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InfoQ Homepage Cryptography Content on InfoQ

  • Apple Open-sources Three Cryptographic Libraries

    Apple has announced they have open sourced three major components in their OSes’ security subsystem. Apple’s announcement has spun some controversy due to the restrictive nature of the license used for one of the libraries.

  • Internet Security, TLS, and HTTP/2: A Q&A with ThoughtWorks’ Vuksanovic and Gibson

    InfoQ recently sat down with Marko Vuksanovic and Sam Gibson from ThoughtWorks, and asked about their recent study of TLS/HTTPS and HTTP/2 that was published in the ThoughtWorks P2 magazine. Both Vuksanovic and Gibson shared their expertise on a range of security-focused topics, including ubiquitous computing, the workings of TLS/HTTPS, certificate trust, and the security implications of HTTP/2.

  • Symantec Accidentally Leaks Multiple Google SSL Certificates

    Symantec’s Thawte unit admits that flawed internal practices allowed multiple Google SSL certificates to be released in an unauthorized manner.

  • AWS s2n: Open-source TLS Implementation in Less than 6,000 Lines

    Amazon Web Services has recently introduced s2n, short for “signal to noise”, an open-source implementation of the TLS/SSL protocols that aims to be “simple, small, fast, and with security as a priority”.

  • GitHub Revoked Compromised and Unsecure SSH Keys

    GitHub has recently started revoking SSH keys that were deemed to be compromised or otherwise insecure. Systems engineer Ben Cartwright-Cox was the author of the research that uncovered the issues. InfoQ has spoken with him.

  • Microsoft Recommits to Providing SSH for Windows

    The third time may be the charm as Microsoft has announced intentions to produce native SSH client and server tools for the Windows platform. Using OpenSSH as a starting point, Microsoft says their goals for the new toolset includes easier system management of both Windows and Linux systems.

  • ZeroDB Internals and End-To-End Database Encryption

    In an article published in their blog, ZeroDB team explains how it works. ZeroDB is an end-to-end encrypted database, which means that the database server does not need to be secure for the data to be safe. The way this works is that query logic is being pushed down to the client. The client also holds the decryption keys for data. The client encrypts data with a symmetric key at time of creation

  • Amazon releases AWS Key Management Service

    At their re:invent 2014 show Amazon launched AWS Key Management Service (KMS), “a managed service that makes it easy for you to create and control the encryption keys used to encrypt your data, and uses Hardware Security Modules (HSMs) to protect the security of your keys”. At launch the service supported EBS, S3 and Redshift. Additional support for Elastic Transcoder was added in late November.

  • Netflix Releases Open Source Message Security Layer

    Netflix have announced the release of the Message Security Layer protocol (MSL), which they describe as ‘A Modern Take on Securing Communication’. The project is available on github under the Apache 2.0 license, with implementations in Java and JavaScript.

  • Google to remove support for SSL 3.0

    Google have announced that they will remove support for the obsolete SSL 3.0 after discovering vulnerabilities that may be exploitable by forcing clients or servers to downgrade. Removing SSL 3.0 may also unlock stalled negotiations with HTTP2. Read on for more details.

  • CloudFlare Universal SSL - Free Web Security for All

    CloudFlare have made SSL available to all free subscribers to its content delivery network (CDN) with Universal SSL. The move addresses both cost and complexity issues that have previously confronted web site and application owners wanting to deploy SSL. CloudFlare takes care of issuing a certificate at no cost to the end user, and enabling SSL becomes a selection from a dropdown menu.

  • Chrome Sets SHA-1 Expiration Date

    Google's Chrome web browser team has announced a schedule to deprecate support for how the browser handles HTTPS certificates using SHA-1 signatures. Over the next 6 months the browser will utilize increasingly noticeable warnings for sites that still use SHA-1.

  • GitHub, BitBucket, Twitter and other Secure Services Affected on Mac OS X By Expired SSL Certificate

    On Saturday July 26th, an intermediate certificate issued by DigiCert that was used by online services like GitHub, BitBucket, etc expired. Since this certificate was widely cached in the keychains of many Mac OS X users, this expiration caused any connection via browser or API to raise certificate chain errors.

  • Cloudera Acquires Big Data Encryption Startup Gazzang

    Hadoop distributor Cloudera pursued its strategy of securing the Hadoop ecosystem by acquiring last month the big data encryption and key management startup Gazzang. The deal will strengthen Cloudera's security offering and lead to the creation of a center of excellence for Hadoop security that will initially be fueled by Gazzang’s engineering team.

  • LibreSSL, OpenSSL Replacement: The First 30 Days

    LibreSSL is the OpenBSD group's response to the Heartbleed security vulnerability that was discovered a few weeks ago in OpenSSL. LibreSSL aims at fully pruning/refactoring OpenSSL to provide a secure and stable code base, fix long standing bugs, introduce modern programming practices, and redesign portability. After one month of work, it is time for a status update.