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  • You Don’t Need a CSS Framework

    Developers use CSS frameworks to reduce boilerplate, increase quality, and drive consistency. However, these gains are hard to maintain as an application’s codebase matures. Developers must configure and override the framework to accommodate changes. Instead of using a CSS framework, developers should write their own custom CSS. CSS has evolved enough that this became the best option.

  • How DSLs Withstand the Test of Time

    Domain-specific languages let domain experts participate in the software development process. Few DSLs however withstand the test of time. Key success factors for longstanding DSLs seem to be user-centered design and adhering to the open–closed principle. Markdown, TeX, and CSS, have remained popular and relevant for two decades, even as their original target audience evolved.

  • Interview with Creator of Polypane, a Powerful Browser for Developers

    Polypane is a powerful development web browser with many features to assist during the development of web applications and websites. We recently had the opportunity to sit down with Polypane creator Kilian Valkhof to learn more about what Polypane is, the motivation behind it, the technology used, challenges in creating the product, future direction, and much more.

  • JavaScript and Web Development InfoQ Trends Report 2020

    The web development space is always an interesting one for us, with new JavaScript projects launched almost daily. Trying to decide which ones to focus on and which ones to ignore is particularly challenging. Developers can learn and gather inspiration from interesting approaches even if they do not currently use them in their daily development efforts.

  • JavaScript and Web Development InfoQ Trends Report

    This InfoQ Trends Report looks at the current trends with JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and web development in general, exploring technologies and options gaining further adoption, and those approaching their end of life. The rate of new JavaScript, CSS, HTML, and WebAssembly standards, as well as frameworks and other web technologies continues to accelerate substantially.

  • Getting Started with Vue.js

    Learn how to use Vue CLI to build a Vue.js 2 application for searching and displaying Giphy images, and then manipulating/transforming them by using the Cloudinary API. Also, you'll learn how to deploy this application to AWS.

  • Pros and Cons of Cross-Platform Mobile App Development

    The world has gone mobile. One of the most challenging situations for app developers is whether to develop a native mobile app or go for cross-platform. This article discusses the pros and cons of cross-platform mobile app development.

  • Stylish and Sane: A Guide to Better CSS

    All websites need CSS and most is awful. There's too much of it. There's a bunch of duplication. It's like a delicately spun spider web, tightly coupled and fragile. It has more patches than a bicycle wheel. It doesn't need to be this way. Rouan Wilsenach introduces the concept of component-based styling and how to curate a style guide for your site.

  • Igniting Kids' Enthusiasm for Coding is an initiative to ignite kids' enthusiasm to learn how to code, to create apps, to design websites, and overall to become comfortable with technology. This article explores what teachers can do to ignite kid's enthusiasm for coding by using interesting and cool lessons to give them some pointers on how to code and then let the magic happen!

  • Article Series: Next Generation HTML5 and JavaScript

    In this (post)HTML5 series, we go beyond buzzwords and get practical insights from experts about what has actually worked for them. We also talk about technologies that go a step further, and define the future of how the standards and web development will evolve.

  • Q&A with Matthew Carver on The Responsive Web

    Responsive web design is an important part of the modern web and a must-have skill for web developers. The Responsive Web by Matt Carver provides an introduction and suggestions on how to get started. Beginning with the what and why and moving all the way to some advanced techniques, Carver provides a solid overview of an essential tool in the modern web developer's toolbox.

  • The Technology behind Codenvy. An Interview with Tyler Jewell, CEO

    Codenvy is an online IDE supporting applications development in Java, JavaScript, HTML5, PHP, Ruby and other languages, with built-in support for deploying the apps on a PaaS. This article includes an interview with Tyler Jewell, CEO, detailing some of the technologies behind Codenvy.