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ESLint Now Officially Supports CSS, JSON, and Markdown
Following up on plans to turn ESLint into a general-purpose linter, the ESLint team recently announced official support for the CSS language. The support comes in addition to recently added support for JSON and Markdown linting.
Expedia Speeds up Flights Search with Micro Frontends and GraphQL Optimizations
Expedia made flight search faster by up to 52% (page usable time) by applying a range of optimizations to web and mobile applications. To support these improvements, the company improved the observability of its applications. Expedia Flights web application has been migrated to Micro Frontend Architecture (MFA) to allow flexibility, reusability, and better optimization.
Major Browser Vendors Announce Interop 2024 to Solve Incompatibility Issues
Browser makers Apple, Google, Microsoft, and Mozilla, alongside consultancies Bocoup and Igalia, recently announced Interop 2024, a project to promote web browser interoperability. Interop 2024 includes 17 focus areas addressing layout, styling, user interaction concerns, and more.
Airbnb Improves Web Performance with HTTP Streaming
Airbnb introduced HTTP streaming to improve the page-loading performance of their website. They reduced the First Contentful Paint (FCP) metric by around 100 milliseconds on every page tested, including the homepage. They also minimized the impact of slow backend queries on the loading times.
The Web's Next Transition: Kent C. Dodds at QCon London
Software engineer educator Kent C. Dodds opened the Modern Frontend Development and Architecture track at QCon London with his keynote on The Web’s Next Transition, focused on Modern Infrastructure and Techniques.
Vanilla Extract - a Modern CSS in JS Library
Vanilla Extract is a new "CSS in JS" library that offers type safety, good theming support, and plenty of extensions, making it an exciting alternative to existing solutions such as Styled Components.
Container Queries, Next Step Towards Truly Modular CSS - Maarten Van Hoof at Devoxx Belgium
Maarten Van Hoof, senior front-end developer at iO, recently explained at Devoxx Belgium how CSS container queries facilitate modular, component-based responsive web applications. With container queries, micro-front-end components can adjust their internal layout independently from the other components on the page.
Lessons Learned: Emotion Library Maintainer Explains Why Company No Longer Uses Runtime CSS-in-JS
Sam Magura, staff software engineer at Spot and active maintainer of the CSS-in-JS Emotion library, recently detailed why Spot abandoned the runtime CSS-in-JS library Emotion in favor of Sass modules: Runtime overhead, payload overhead, and server rendering issues contributed to a lesser user experience.
Minze, a Minimalistic JS Library for Creating Web Components
Minze is a modern JavaScript library that abstracts many of the difficulties of writing Web Components with a minimal overhead (2kb minified and compressed) and good developer ergonomics.
Comparative Study of 11 CSS-in-JS Libraries - Andrei Pfeiffer at React Finland 2021
Andrei Pfeiffer recently presented the results of a comparative study of 11 CSS-in-JS libraries. In his talk at React Finland 2021, Pfeiffer focused on the distinction between static and runtime CSS-in-JS libraries and further explained how each category and browser caching relate to performance.
Streamlining the Handoff between Designers and Developers - Travis Arnold at React Finland 2021
Travis Arnold recently presented how JSX and compiler technologies can be used conjointly to make the handoff between designers and developers more efficient. While the ideas presented are not yet implemented in any publicly available tool or library, the ideas of Arnold, who describes himself as a designer/developer, may serve to illustrate possible avenues for improved collaboration.
Facebook CSS-in-JS Solution Stylex Introduced at React Finland 2021
Naman Goel, software engineer at Facebook, recently presented Stylex at React Finland 2021. Stylex is Facebook’s custom CSS-in-JS solution used for the new website. StyleX alleviates key pain points of CSS-in-JS for large React applications (unused styles, large CSS files, CSS-in-JS library size). Goel anticipates that Stylex will be open-sourced by the end of 2021.
Ionic Portals Aims to Simplify the Integration of Web Apps into iOS and Android Native Code
Ionic describes its new web view component, Ionic Portals, as a "supercharged" version of the native web view controls available on iOS and Android. It aims to make it easier for developers to integrate web apps with native code in an efficient way.
Charts.CSS, a Pure CSS Charting Library
Charts.css is a new data visualization library that relies solely on CSS and HTML. By avoiding the use of JavaScript/Canvas, it avoids many of the accessibility challenges in existing solutions while keeping the bundle size under 10KB when minified and gzipped.
Web Almanac Mega Study Reveals That Popular Front-End Frameworks Are Still a Small Part of the Web
The HTTP Archive finalized the Web Almanac 2020, an annual report on the state of the web. The report gathers its conclusions in 22 chapters organized in four sections (e.g, page content, user experience, content publishing and distribution): jQuery is still 80% of the web; CSS Houdini is seldom used; the median website ships 400 KB of JavaScript in 2020, 14% more than in 2019; and many more.