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Green IoT for Energy Efficiency and Environmental Sustainability
The growth of IoT has resulted in improving connectivity amongst devices worldwide. Green IoT represents the energy efficient procedures adopted by IoT devices to achieve a sustainable and safer world. In order to green the IoT, it will be necessary to use less energy, look for new resources, reduce the negative effects of the IoT on human health, and cause less environmental disruption.
How We Built Testability with Psychological Safety
Testability can enable teams to make changes to their code bases without requiring extensive regression testing. To build testability, team members must collaborate and leverage each other's unique skills. Unfortunately, effective collaboration does not come naturally to people and therefore needs leadership to nurture people's ability to speak up and share their knowledge.
Code Red: the Business Impact of Code Quality
Everyone in the software industry “knows” that code quality is important, yet we never had any data or numbers to prove it. In this article, we explore the impact by diving into recent research on code quality. With twice the development speed, 15 times fewer bugs, and a significant reduction of uncertainty in completion times, the business advantage of code quality is unmistakably clear.
Why is Everything So Slow? Measuring and Optimising How Engineering Teams Deliver
As teams grow, they will slow down, but it should not mean that teams stop delivering value that can power future business growth. Avoiding excessive technical debt and ensuring systems are secure and performant becomes increasingly important. As an engineering leader, you can do things to be confident that your team is moving at the fastest and most sustainable pace.
Technology and Tooling Critical Factors for Successful Hybrid and Remote Workplaces
In order to provide employees with the flexibility to work where they want while also maintaining a strong culture of belonging and connection, tech leaders need to talk to the C-Suite and their HR departments about leveraging technology tools that have been proven to boost engagement and employee retention.
Accessing Agile Games as a Tool in Transformation and Change
This article puts the usage of Agile Games into a broader business context and introduces the steps needed to make any game a verifiable contribution to a given business objective. As “business” is a wide area of topics to be addressed, the article focuses on accessing Agile Games as a tool used within transformation and change. It provides an example that was taken from this area.
Bridging the Understanding Gap between Business and IT
The understanding gap between business and IT is one of the largest challenges to effective digital transformation. Drawing on research and their own experience, the author presents 10 practical tips to break stereotypes, build relationships, and bridge the gaps.
Moldable Development: Guiding Technical Decisions without Reading Code
Developers spend most of their time reading code. Moldable Development challenges reading as a means to gather information from the system, by creating custom tools that show the problem in a way that makes it comfortable to understand. The solution typically follows quickly afterward. Glamorous Toolkit is a moldable development environment designed to decrease the cost of custom tools.
DevOps at Schneider: a Meaningful Journey of Engaging People into Change
Adopting DevOps at Schneider started with building a case for change. Tech people were engaged into change by organizing learning and collaboration sessions and getting feedback from the front lines. Change is hard and without leadership support, dedicated time for developers to really digest it and continual reinforcement and conversation, it will be challenging to be successful.
Agile Hiring: a Joint Venture between the Talent Acquisition and Product Development Teams
The demand for IT professionals is far higher than the offer. Nowadays the challenge is not just to attract and acquire, but to retain the best professionals in the sector. Let's enable dev team members to acquire and secure the best candidates for their teams and the company, collaborate with talent acquisition, and respect candidates as professionals and maintain open communication with them.
Hidden Habits Killing Your Remote Team’s Ability to Collaborate Effectively
Some habits carried over from in-person work continue to damage collaboration and engagement for hybrid and remote teams. By not addressing these habits, teams are experiencing deteriorating morale, lack of trust and connection required for meaningful collaboration. Here are four examples of habits leaders can address today to build more connected, engaged and innovative teams.
Running a Hackathon That Sparks Developer Innovation
Hackathons are much more than a fun day of problem-solving and team bonding. They give developers a closer connection to customer problems and, as a result, can drive real, tangible business and even social impact. Here are best practices for hosting your own hackathon.