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  • What We Now Know: Digital Transformation Reaches a Point of Clarity

    As much as it has been discussed and praised, digital transformation has suffered from a lack of clear definition. While the promise of becoming “customer-centric” and “disruptive” has been widely publicized, there has still been little in actual guidance as to how to achieve those and many of the other benefits commonly associated with digital transformation. This article offers concrete advice

  • How to Optimize for Fast Flow Using Alignment and Autonomy: the Journey of a Large Bureaucracy

    This article describes how NAV (Norwegian Labor and Welfare Administration), Norway's largest bureaucracy, has achieved alignment in over 100 autonomous teams. It shows the techniques it uses to align teams with respect to technology: two descriptive techniques - the technology radar and the weekly deep dive, and two normative techniques - the technical direction and internal platforms.

  • Reduce Carbon Dioxide Emissions with Serverless and Kubernetes Native Java

    Moving application workloads to multi- and hybrid cloud platforms causes more carbon dioxide emissions, although better scalability and performance. Serverless and Kubernetes Native Java enable developers to solve the global climate changes by reducing carbon dioxide emissions by natively native features with milliseconds first boot time, tiny resident set size memory and scalability.

  • Building Effective Developer Tools to Enable an Entire Organization to Move Faster

    Building effective tooling can help bring down the time to delivery and increase the number of changes delivered safely. This article demonstrates the tools that Monzo has built to enable developers, and how these tools are being used within the engineering function to deploy hundreds of times per day and beyond the engineering function to run a bank at scale.

  • How to Accelerate Your Staff+ Career through Open Source Engagement

    It takes many factors for an engineer to land a Staff+ position. In this article, you’ll find how contributing and engaging to open-source can help you sharpen critical Staff+ skills like writing communication, while helping increase your visibility and the odds of landing in such a position.

  • Why You Might Need an Island of Agility

    Organizational change doesn’t happen overnight, but that doesn’t mean improving agility is impossible. Regardless of the agile approach, by creating an island of agility, we can set a course to agility while the rest of the organization catches up. The key to success is avoiding an island too small to have an impact, having a plan to grow the island, and adding islands to keep momentum.

  • Pipedrive Agile Framework: How a Unicorn Company Customized Agile Processes to Scale

    Pipedrive would not have become a unicorn company by using a standard off-the-shelf agile framework. Instead, the company created its own framework. It makes a distinction between Mission Teams versus Launchpads and relies heavily on dynamic reteaming. In Pipedrive's Agile Framework, the product managers pitch new ideas and software engineers volunteer to lead their Mission Teams.

  • Why the Dual Operating Model Impedes Enterprise Agility

    Most organizations adopt a dual approach to agility, with some parts of the organization working in an agile way that delivers value in increments, measures the response and adapts accordingly, while the “traditional” organization continues to work as it always has in a relatively top-down way. In this article, This approach must eventually be left behind after an Agile transition.

  • How to Run Your Product Department Like a Coach

    Having found what I thought was my calling as an agile coach, I took the tough decision to move sideways into Product Management in the hopes of using what I’d learned to one day run my own department. I believed that coming from coaching would allow me to see things others could not and create something special. Time will tell if I have succeeded. This is the story of where I am so far.

  • Adaptability by Agreement: Valuing Outcomes over Imposed Solutions

    In the pursuit of agile at scale, the landscape is dominated by process-driven approaches which are broken. This article explores a solution-driven rollout approach, one that puts authentic agreement on outcomes before solutions. The principles on which it is based are also effective as leadership strategies, where frameworks are resources to draw upon as people find fitting solutions.

  • Connecting Goals to Daily Teamwork

    While we all believe that goal setting is important, it’s work that often doesn’t feel quite urgent enough to be included in our daily routine. It is critical to team success for managers to implement a regular cadence that connects daily work more directly to high-level goals, removing administrative roadblocks while helping teammates focus on what matters most.

  • Reducing Cognitive Load in Agile DevOps Teams Using Team Topologies

    In this article we will be sharing our experience from 12 months of adopting certain management and organisational insights from the book Team Topologies. It explores how we identified areas of responsibility and assigned those into mostly customer-facing domains which could be given to our teams. It shows how an inverse Conway manoeuvre can be used to improve the architecture.