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InfoQ Homepage Culture & Methods Content on InfoQ

  • Why Agile Works

    Why do some companies excel with agile and others see virtually no improvement? The difference is culture and an understanding that agile is a framework for deep cultural change instead of a process or set of practices to increase efficiency. Why Agile Works: The Values Behind the Results focuses on why and how agile works and where agile should take organizations in terms of values.

  • InfoQ eMag: Business, Design and Technology

    This eMag offers readers tactical approaches to building software experiences that your users will love. Break down existing silos and create an environment for cross-collaborative teams: placing technology, business and user experience design at the core.

  • The Cynefin Mini-Book

    We all recognise that world is inherently complex but what does this mean? This mini-book started out as a series of papers that were experiential in nature and which were intended to provide an introduction to complexity, the Cynefin framework in particular and some of its related practices that allow us to make sense of the world and to know enough to act.

  • Scrum and XP from the Trenches - 2nd Edition

    This book aims to give you a head start by providing a detailed down-to-earth account of how one Swedish company implemented Scrum and XP with a team of approximately 40 people and how they continuously improved their process over a year’s time.

  • InfoQ eMag: Technical Debt and Software Craftsmanship

    This eMag brings together a number of authors who have addressed the topic on InfoQ and suggests ways to identify, monetize, and tackle technical debt in your products.

  • InfoQ eMag: Next Generation HTML5 and JavaScript

    Modern web developers have to juggle more constraints than ever before; standing still is not an option. We must drive forward and this eMag is a guide to getting on the right track. We'll hear from developers in the trenches building some of the most advanced web applications and how to apply what they've learned to our own work.

  • Leading Self-Organising Teams

    This book provides practice-based answers to a lot of questions. Focused on helping lean and agile professionals to improve, these answers are intended to encourage a clear understanding of what self-organisation is about, offer a profound overview on what is needed to successfully lead in a self-organising environment, and promote the willingness to enhance your own capabilities.

  • Do Better Scrum

    Certified Scrum Trainer and Coach Jim York says: Scrum is Simple. Doing Scrum is Hard. One more thing remains certain: you will never become better at doing Scrum (or any Agile method) without practicing. So what are you waiting for? Just go and do it!

  • InfoQ eMag: Continuous Delivery Stories

    Reaping the benefits of continuous delivery is hard work! Culture, processes or technical barriers can challenge or even break such endeavors. With this eMag we wanted to share stories from leading practitioners who’ve been there and report from the trenches. Their examples are both inspiring and eye opening to the challenges ahead.

  • Confessions of a Scrum Master

    This book will help you to learn from the experiences of a seasoned scrum master. It contains confessions in the form of seven short stories. These stories center around the trials of a scrum master and his new team. They are case studies based on real life events that take place in some of the largest companies in the world. You can use this to avoid pitfalls and sharpen your skills.

  • InfoQ eMag: Agile Project Management

    Project management is a crucial and often maligned discipline. In the software world, project management is mainly about coordinating the efforts of many people to achieve common goals. It has been likened to herding cats – a thankless undertaking that seems to engender little or no respect from the teams who are being managed. This eMag examines where and how project management fits in agile.

  • InfoQ eMag: Agile Project Estimation and Planning

    Estimation is often considered to be a black art practiced by magicians using strange rituals. It is one of the most controversial of activities in Agile projects – some maintain that even trying to estimate agile development is futile at best and dangerous at worst. We selected articles which present ways of coming up with estimates as well as some that argue for alternate approaches.