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Design Pattern Proposal for Autoscaling Stateful Systems
In this article, Rogerio Robetti discusses the challenges in auto-scaling stateful storage systems and proposes an opinionated design solution to automatically scale up (vertical) and scale out (horizontal) from a single node up to several nodes in a cluster with minimum configuration and interference of the operator.
What Do Data Scientists and Data Engineers Need to Know about GDPR?
Andrew Burt on the implications of GDPR on data collection, storage and use for any organization dealing with customer data in the EU. Burt explains what's the minimum an org needs to pass the GDPR test, as well as how to take the opportunity to improve their overall data governance.
Cloud Data Auditing Techniques with a Focus on Privacy and Security
The authors provide a guide to the current literature regarding comprehensive auditing methodologies. They not only identify and categorize the different approaches to cloud data integrity and privacy but also compare and analyze their relative merits. For example, their research lists the strengths and weaknesses of earlier work on cloud auditing, which allows researchers to design new methods.
The Microservice Revolution: Containerized Applications, Data and All
Microservice architectures and container-based virtualization have taken the software development community by storm in recent months. This article will describe the advantages of container-based microservices and why failing to containerize stateful services like databases greatly reduces the benefits of microservices architectures.
Data Modeling in Graph Databases: Interview with Jim Webber and Ian Robinson
Data modeling with Graph databases requires a different paradigm than modeling in Relational or other NoSQL databases like Document databases, Key Value data stores, or Column Family databases. InfoQ spoke with Jim Webber and Ian Robinson about data modeling efforts when using Graph databases.
Jags Ramnarayan on In-Memory Data Grids
In-memory data grids (IMDG) are gaining lot of attention recently because of their support for dynamic scalability and high performance for data intensive applications. InfoQ spoke with Jags Ramnarayan, Chief Architect for GemFire products at VMWare, about the architecture of in-memory data grids, their advantages compared to the traditional databases, and emerging trends in this space.
Virtual Panel: Security Considerations in Accessing NoSQL Databases
NoSQL databases offer alternative data storage options for storing unstructured data compared to traditional relational databases. Though the NoSQL databases have been getting a lot of attention lately, the security aspects of storing and accessing NoSQL data haven't been given much emphasis. This article focuses on the security considerations and best practices in accessing the NoSQL databases.
Finding the Right Data Solution for Your Application in the Data Storage Haystack
With the recent NoSQL movement there are several alternative data storage solutions available compared to the traditional relational databases. In this article, author Srinath Perera discusses the various data storage options and what to consider when choosing each of these solutions.
NoSQL in the Enterprise
In this article, Sourav Mazumder explores what NoSQL databases are, how they fit into Enterprise IT, the challenges facing enterprise adoption, how to choose the appropriate NoSQL database for a given application, a short list of NoSQL databases which are likely to be good matches for enterprise applications, and advice for how to adopt NoSQL databases within an enterprise.