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Inside Stack Overflow’s Monitoring Systems
Nick Craver, architecture lead at Stack Exchange, wrote about their monitoring systems in a recent article. He discussed the philosophy and motivation behind their monitoring strategy and talked about their toolset - mainly Bosun, Grafana and Opserver.
TensorSpace.js Delivers Neural Network 3D Visualization Framework
TensorSpace.js provides an open source browser-based neural network data visualization framework to complement the growing machine learning landscape by supporting pre-trained models created with TensorFlow.js, Keras, or TensorFlow.
React Conf 2018 Introduces React Hooks and React 16.7 Alpha
The recent React Conf 2018 includes the alpha release of React 16.7, a Hooks proposal for using state and other React features without writing classes, and several promising third-party React packages.
D3 Announces 5.0 Release of SVG, Canvas, and HTML Library for Manipulating Data
The D3 team has announced their 5.0 release, which embraces several newer asynchronous patterns such as promises and fetch, and updates key visualization APIs.
New Relic Releases El Dorado UI, a Web App for Visualizing a Neo4j Graph Database
New Relic open sourced the El Dorado UI project, a Sinatra app to query and visualize relationships between development teams, projects, and microservices, all stored in a Neo4J graph database. Ward Cunningham, the inventor of Wiki, described the origin of the project and demonstrated its capabilities at the Explore DDD conference in Denver, Colorado.
Google Released Facets: A Visualisation Tool for Big Data
Google open-sourced Facets: a data visualisation tool to explore data for machine learning scientists. Facets aim is to make big data set understandable and interpretable. Facets wants to be the visualisation tool researchers use to find nuances and insights in large data sets.
Introducing XPlot, a Chart Generation Library for F#
XPlot is a cross-platform data visualization package for F# powered by JavaScript charting libraries Google Charts and Plotly. The XPlot library can be used interactively from F# Interactive, but charts can also be embedded in F# applications and in HTML reports.
Data Science in F# using FsLab: Interview with Tomas Petricek
FsLab, a collection of F# ooen source libraries for doing Data Science, was released earlier this year, InfoQ reached out with Tomas Petricek, creator of the project, to get more details.
Testing Systems with a Nest of Tests
James Lyndsay did a workshop titled "a nest of tests" at the Agile Testing Days 2015. In this workshop he explored how you can design large collections of tiny tests and visualize their output to test systems, and showed how tools can help you to do it. InfoQ interviewed him about this testing approach.
Visualize.js - JavaScript Visualization Library for JasperReports
TIBCO has recently released Visualize.js, a JavaScript framework for embedding reports, visualizations and analytics, as part of TIBCO Jaspersoft 5.6. Visualize.js is a JavaScript API framework used to embed interactive HTML5 JasperReport Server reports & visualizations, bundled with Jaspersoft BI Enterprise and Professional, and as an add-on to Jaspersoft BI Express.
Canvas-Based Chart.js Version 0.1 Released
Chart.js, a canvas-driven Javascript charting library, was released under the MIT open source license by Nick Downie on March 17th as an alternative to SVG-based charting libraries.
Facebook on Hadoop, Hive, HBase, and A/B Testing
The Hadoop Summit of 2010 included presentations from a number of large scale users of Hadoop and related technologies. Notably, Facebook presented a keynote and details information about their use of Hive for analytics. Mike Schroepfer, Facebook's VP of Engineering delivered a keynote describing the scale of their data processing with Hadoop.
Ambient Computing; Emerging Applications
Projects at the Santa Fe Complex illustrate that practical applications of ambient computing research are at hand. Ambient computing is primarily concerned with interface and interaction issues that arise in ubiquitous computing environments.
Vedea, A New Language for Visually Working With Data
Vedea, or Microsoft Visualization Language from Microsoft Research Computational Science Laboratory, is a new language for creating interactive data-driven visualizations.
Information Radiators: Is low tech really better?
The Extreme Programming Yahoo Group has been discussing the pros and cons of low tech information radiators, such as task boards, compared to high tech tools. The original poster preferred a physical task board to a spreadsheet, but found himself unable to explain why to his boss. The ensuing discussion uncovered a variety of reasons to choose simple physical means of reporting information.