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Evolving the Key/Value Programming Model to a Higher Level
Billy Newport discusses the ways that developers interact with key/value stores, entity vs column-oriented approaches, sync vs async operations, large data sets, and collocating closures and data.
ORM, EDM, ESQL, Entity Framework, LINQ to SQL, LINQ to Entities - Confused?
Eric Nelson explains what are ORM, EDM, and ESQL, what is the difference between LINQ to SQL and LINQ to Entities, which one should be used, accompanied by hands on demos showing how to use them.
Pouring Data on Troubled Markets - Quantitative Portfolio Management Technology at BGI
Eoin Woods explains how Barclays Global Investors (BGI) designed Apex to meet the challenges it faces and the Java technologies which were chosen for an architecture with variations on standard J2EE.
Lean & Mean Tokyo Cabinet Recipes
In this FutureRuby talk, Ilya Grigorik explores Tokyo Cabinet's features such as the key-value store, ordered traversal, attribute search, schemaless data structures,indexing, and scripting with Lua.
What's New and Exciting in JPA 2.0
JPA 2.0 adds in many things which were missing in JPA 1.0. This talk covers features like advanced locking, enhanced query language, expression/criteria API and more advanced O/R mapping support.
CouchDB in a Real-World Setting
Jan Lehnardt allures the audience to use CouchDB for their web projects by presenting some of its most helpful features that are appropriate for such a task.
CouchDB From 10,000 Feet
This presentation takes a look at CouchDB from 10,000 ft. CouchDB is a document oriented database with a highly acclaimed REST API that makes integration into existing infrastructure a snap.
Google App Engine and the Google Data APIs
This presentation introduces the Google App Engine and an overview of its features while building a simple application. Integration with the Google Data APIs is demonstrated.
Scaling Hibernate
Emmanuel Bernard and Max Ross talk about patterns and practices used to achieve high volume and scale with Hibernate. They also explains Hibernate Shards and Search to push the scalability limits.
Google Data API (GData)
The Google Data API (GData) provides a query language and Atom to provide search, read, and update capabilities to Google assets, including Calendar, Blogger, Picasa, CodeSearch, and Google Base.
CouchDB and Me
In this talk from RubyFringe, Damien Katz explains what drove him to create CouchDB, why he chose Erlang and more.
Rockstar Memcaching
In this presentation from RubyFringe, Tobias Lütke talks about memcached, the widely used caching solution. Tobias explains how to use it and gives some practical tips on what not to do.