InfoQ Homepage Debugging Content on InfoQ
JRuby Roundup: Java Integration and Debugging (JSR-45) Improvements
Some recent changes on the JRuby trunk improve Java Integration, which allows JRuby to interact with pure Java code faster and more conveniently. Also: Ruby code compiled with JRuby's (JIT) compiler can now make use of the JVMs debugging capabilities using JSR-45 (Debugging Support for Other Languages).
Deadlock Debugging for .NET
Out of the box, .NET doesn't have any support for deadlock detection. Normally the way one checks for deadlocks is by attaching the debugger and examining each thread. Corneliu, creator of the GUI debugging tool HawkEye, has offered an alternative. His ACorns.Debugging tool works against most .NET programs, without recompiling them.
Presentation: Secure Programming with Static Analysis
Creating secure code requires more than just good intentions. Programmers need to know how to make their code safe in an almost infinite number of scenarios and configurations. Static source code analysis can uncover the kinds of errors that lead directly to vulnerabilities and in this talk, Brian Chess frames the software security problem and shows how static analysis is part of the solution.
Klocwork Insight Brings Code Analysis to the Desktop
Earlier this year Klocwork released a desktop product, Klocwork Insight, bringing their automated source code analysis features to individual developers. InfoQ recently sat down with Klocwork CTO Gwyn Fisher to discuss the product.
FxCop Rules Join the Pipeline Builder for System.AddIn
Microsoft has created FxCop rules for projects leveraging the extensibility framework System.AddIn. This joins the out-of-band project Pipeline Builder as a must-have for developers using this .NET 3.5 framework.
Getting Up-to-Speed on NDepend and Code Metrics
Any tool is only good if it is in the hands of a developer who knows how to use it. NDepend is one of those tools which is very powerful but addresses an aspect of software development too few architects or developers understand, software metrics.
JProbe 8.0: The Java code, memory, and coverage profiler is back
Quest Software recently released JProbe 8.0, a Java code, memory, and coverage profiler. While JProbe has been one of the leading Java profiling tools since the late 1990's, JProbe 8.0 aims to help Quest regain the leadership position in the profiling market with new Eclipse integration and a more competitive price point.
Storing Code in Queryable Data Structures?
Is today’s mainstream use of flat files the optimal way to represent code? Several discussions occurred in the blogspace in reaction to Rick Minerich’s post advocating for moving away from this paradigm towards keeping code in queryable data structures. What are the advantages of this approach and what are the trade-offs to take into consideration?
The EQATEC Code Profiler v. 1.2 for the .NET Compact Framework Has New Features
InfoQ informed the community about the free EQATEC code profiler for the .NET Compact Framework a month ago. In the meantime, the profiler has been well received by the community, and EQATEC released version 1.2 with new features and bug fixes.
Book Excerpt and Interview: Effective Java, Second Edition
Effective Java, Second Edition by Joshua Bloch is an updated version of the classic first edition, which was the winner of a 2001 Jolt Award. The book's publisher, Addison-Wesley, made an excerpt available to InfoQ which includes the contents of the fifth chapter, entitled 'Generics'. InfoQ asked Bloch several questions about the areas that the new edition covers.
EQATEC Profiler: An Application Code Profiler for the .NET Compact Framework
EQATEC has recently released a free code profiler for applications written for the .NET Compact Framework.
Review: Exception Hunter
Unhandled exceptions are the bane of any application, especially those that run without user interaction. Red Gate has developed a product to detect and alert developers to these potential issues, but does it measure up?
Corneliu Tusnea has Released Hawkeye as Open Source
Corneliu Tusnea, author of the debugging tool Hawkeye, has released the free version as an open source project on CodePlex.
Cyclomatic Complexity Revisited
Enerjy studied tens of thousands of source code files and found the optimum Cyclomatic Complexity number is 11, with a 28% defect probability. In fact, you are more likely to encounter a defect if you have lower complexity - is it time to make your methods are more complicated?
InfoQ Video: Practices of an Agile Developer
At NFJS Venkat Subramaniam, co-author with Andy Hunt of "Practices of an Agile Developer," shared his pragmatic approach to some of the important technical and non-technical factors contributing to project success, including: coding, developer attitude, debugging, mentoring and feedback.