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InfoQ Call for Articles
InfoQ provides software engineers with the opportunity to share experiences gained using innovator and early adopter stage techniques and technologies with the wider industry. We are always on the lookout for quality articles and we encourage practitioners and domain experts to submit feature-length (2,000 to 3,000 word) papers that are timely, educational and practical.
The Five Steps to Building a Successful Private Cloud
Increased competition among public cloud vendors, territorial regulations, and business demands have all contributed to a rise in multi-cloud strategies. In this article, Nicolas Brousse from Adobe explains five key components of successful private cloud implementation.
The Future of Serverless Compute
As Serverless approaches end of early-adopter phase, Mike Roberts puts on prediction goggles on where this movement is going next and what changes are needed from organizations in order to support it.
Q&A on Starting and Scaling DevOps in the Enterprise
The book Starting and Scaling DevOps in the Enterprise by Gary Gruver provides a DevOps based approach for continuously improving development and delivery processes in large organizations. It contains suggestions that can be used to optimize the deployment pipeline, release code frequently, and deliver to customers.
Article Series: Cloud and "Lock-in"
With the fast-pace of cloud changes (new services, providers entering and exiting), cloud lock-in remains a popular refrain. But what does it mean, and how can you ensure you're maximizing your cloud investment while keeping portability in mind?
Multi-Cloud Is a Safety Belt for the Speed Freaks
Cloud bursting! On-premises! Hybrid cloud! Off-premises! Multi-cloud! These are phrases author Michael Coté heard over the past 10 years when covering cloud as an analyst, strategist, and now evangelist. Each of them makes logical sense, especially on a big whiteboard with boxes and arrows going to and fro. In recent times, it’s the last - multi-cloud - that he's seen in actual practice the most.
The Way to No-Hotfix Deployment
Hot-fix redeployment is a waste of time and effort at best, and often a source of further regression, Adam discusses some ready-to-use techniques that helped he and his team reduce the frequency of hot-fix deployments to almost zero.
Microservices in the Real World
An interview with Alexander Heusingfeld and Tammo van Lessen about getting operations involved in architecture and dealing with "us vs. them" behavior when applying DevOps, how to use the Self-Contained Systems approach to modernize software systems, similarities and differences between Self-Contained Systems and microservices, improving deployment pipelines and using measurements in deployment.
Toward Agile Architecture: Insights from 15 Years of ATAM Data
The authors have concluded after analyzing 15 years of Architecture Trade-Off Analysis Method (ATAM) data across 31 projects that modifiability, performance, availability, interoperability, and deployability are key quality attributes for Agile practitioners.
DevOps & Product Teams - Win or Fail?
Peter Neumark found a new world when he moved from a DevOps infrastructure team to a Lean product team.How to experiment frequently while keeping operational performance? Platform teams to the rescue!
DevOps is Not a Feature!
DevOps is the industrialization of IT, says Nati Shalom. Organizations that wish to optimize for speed and cost cannot afford silos anymore."Doing DevOps" is not adding new features to existing tools. In this article, Shalom takes us through the differences between management solutions in a pre and post DevOps world.
Sam Newman: Practical Implications of Microservices in 14 Tips
What are the practical concerns associated with running microservice systems? And what you need to know to embrace the power of smaller services without making things too hard? At last GeeCon 2014 in Krakow, Sam Newman tried to answer those questions by giving 14 tips about how microservices can interface, how the can be monitored, deployed, and made safer.