InfoQ Homepage Dev Up Conference Content on InfoQ
.NET Core on a Raspberry Pi Cluster with Docker and OpenFaaS
John Callaway explores creating and deploying Python and C# serverless functions on a cluster of Raspberry Pi using the OpenFaas framework.
Unit Testing Strategies & Patterns in C#
Bill Dinger discusses design principles and ways to make C# code testable, as well as using testing tools such as Moq, Autofixture, & MsTest.
OWASP Top 10 Vulnerabilities & ASP.NET
Bill Dinger goes over the 2017 OWASP Top 10 vulnerabilities and how they apply to ASP.NET, including a demo of each vulnerability, the risk it poses, how to detect the attack, and how to mitigate it.
Building Serverless Robust, Secured Angular 6 Web Applications
Jeff St. Germain discusses how to setup a series of serverless Azure API endpoints, secure those APIs with JWT tokens from Identity Server 4, and to scaffold the APIs into an Angular 6 site.
Goodbye Client Side JavaScript, Hello C#'s Blazor
Ed Charbeneau explores what Blazor means for web development and talks about how this experiment at Microsoft is shaping up.
Getting from Monolith to Microservices
Jimmy Bogard looks at strategies to break a monolith, from the front-end to the back, including database refactoring and analysis tools to see dependencies in legacy code.
Let's Launch a Website, Right Friggin' Now!
Lemon shows a methodology for building websites with Vue, Pug and Sass.
Robust Applications with Polly, the .NET Resilience Framework
Bryan Hogan introduces Polly, a .NET resilience framework, discussing some of its most important features.
Dissecting Kubernetes (K8s) - An Intro to Main Components
Joshua Sheppard shows how to deploy containers, building up a mini cluster one Kubernetes component at a time, explaining what happens to the YAML files involved.
Going Pro: Lifestyle Systems for the Exceptional Developer
Cory House explores seven facets of life that impact software quality.
SOLID JavaScript
Jonathan Mills shows how to apply all five of the SOLID principles to front-end JavaScript applications.
Keep Betting on JavaScript
Kyle Simpson takes a look at JavaScript’s history, asking where is it headed, and what are the implications?