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Automated Testing for Terraform, Docker, Packer, Kubernetes, and More: Yevgeniy Brikman at QCon SF
At QCon SF, Yevgeniy Brikman presented "Automated Testing for Terraform, Docker, Packer, Kubernetes, and More". Key takeaways from the talk included the recommendation to use an appropriate mix of all testing techniques discussed, such as static analysis, unit tests, integration tests, and end-to-end tests.
Docker Enterprise 3.0 Brings Docker Kubernetes Services, New Lifecycle Automation Tools, and More
Docker has announced Docker Enterprise 3.0 GA. This version brings Docker Kubernetes Services (DKS), new lifecycle automation tools for automating deployment of containers and Kubernetes, security enhancements, and more.
Weaveworks Releases Ignite, AWS Firecracker-Powered Software for Running Containers as VMs
Software startup Weaveworks celebrated their fifth birthday by releasing an open source project called Weave Ignite. This project is billed as a "GitOps-managed virtual machine (VM) with a container UX." This novel software uses Firecracker, the AWS open source project that underpins AWS Lambda. InfoQ spoke to team behind the project to learn more.
Harbor 1.8 Includes OIDC Integration and Replication Enhancements
The latest version of Harbor, 1.8, was recently released. Harbor is a Cloud Native Computing Foundation project that provides a cloud-native registry for storing, signing, and scanning container images. This release includes an OpenID Connect integration, the addition of robot accounts, and improvements to the replication features, among other improvements.
GitLab 11.11 Brings Multiple Assignees for Merge Requests, Windows Container Executor, and More
GitLab 11.11, recently released, brings Multiple Assignees for Merge Requests, Windows Container Executor for GitLab Runners, Guest Access to Releases, instance-level Kubernetes cluster, and more.
Improving the .NET Docker Experience: DockerCon 2019 Overview
During the latest edition of DockerCon, Microsoft shared multiple improvements made in the .NET Core over the past year, all aimed at enhancing the experience of using .NET and Docker together.
DockerHub Breach Exposes Usernames, Hashed Passwords, and GitHub Tokens of 5% of Hub Users
Docker disclosed one of their Hub databases was hacked and a subset of non-financial data, including usernames, hashed passwords, and GitHub and BitBucket tokens, was stolen.
Security Landscape of the Docker Ecosystem and Best Practices
As part of its annual State of Open Source Security Report, security firm Snyk issued a specific report focusing on Docker security that shows vulnerabilities in container images are widespread. InfoQ has spoken with Liran Tal, Snyk developer advocate.
Running Serverless Containers on Google Cloud Run
Google Cloud Run, now available in beta, allows you to run serverless applications based on Docker containers that are automatically activated when an HTTP request comes in. Google Cloud Run is a fully managed platform and is based on KNative, which allows you to easily port your applications to any other platforms using Kubernetes clusters.
Uber Releases Kraken: An Open Source P2P Docker Registry
Uber has released Kraken, an open source, peer-to-peer (P2P) Docker registry. Kraken is a highly available and scalable Docker registry tailored to meet the needs of enterprises and hybrid cloud environments.
Gremlin Announces Free Tier for Their Chaos Experimentation Platform
Gremlin has announced “Gremlin Free”, which provides the ability to run chaos engineering experiments on a free tier of their failure-as-a-service SaaS platform. The current version of the free tier allows the execution of shutdown and CPU attacks on hosts or containers, which can be controlled via a simple web-based user interface, API or CLI.
Debugging Microservices Running in Containers: Tooling Review at KubeCon NA
At KubeCon NA held in Seattle in December 2018, several tools for debugging containerised microservices were presented throughout the conference sessions and the sponsored booths demonstrations. A notable separation appears to be occurring within the market, between "active" and "passive" debugging tools. Two examples within these categories are Rookout and Squash, respectively.
RunC Bug Enables Malicious Containers to Gain Root Access on Hosts
Security researchers have discovered a critical bug in runC - a lightweight CLI tool for spawning containers according to the OCI specification - which allows the attackers to escape the container and gain administrative privileges on the host, rendering it vulnerable.
Docker Announces Support for Windows Server 2019 within Docker Enterprise
Docker announced support for Windows Server 2019 Long Term Servicing Channel (LTSC) and the Server 1809 Semi-Annual Channel (SAC) release within the Docker Enterprise platform. Server 2019 brings a number of improvements from previous SAC releases into the LTSC, including ingress routing, virtual IP service discovery, and named pipe mounting.
New Docker Hub Merges Together Docker Cloud and Docker Store
Docker has released a new Docker Hub experience that combines the previous Docker Store, Docker Cloud, and Docker Hub functionality into one location. This provides users with a single experience for finding, storing, and sharing container images. Verified and certified images and plugins are now available through Docker Hub. They have also released improvements to the automated build feature.