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Mobile JavaScript Framework Bake Off!
Roland Barcia introduces Dojo Mobile, David Kaneda talks about SenchaTouch 2, while John Bender lures developers to jQuery Mobile.
Now What?
Dylan Schiemann presents the current status of web development engulfed in lots of frameworks, languages, and browsers, advising on choosing the right technologies to secure the future of a web app.
The Present and Future of Web App Design
Torrey Rice presents relevant milestones in the evolution of the web from a UX perspective and tries to foresee the future of web development and what it will mean for developers and casual people.
Mobile JavaScript Development
Nikolai Onken makes a case for HTML, JavaScript and CSS developing for mobile devices by presenting the status of mobile cross-device development, opportunities it brings and future prospects.
Overview of the Spring 3.0 Web Stack
Keith Donald discusses the Spring 3.0 web stack, key features, demos of Spring MVC, REST support, automatic data conversion, data binding and validation, and the roadmap for the Spring web stack.
Interoperable JavaScript-Based Client/Server Web Applications
Kris Zyp on protocols, standards, and tools for building web applications using a consistent end-to-end JavaScript model. He exemplifies with DOJO and Persevere. Key topics: JavaScript, JSON, REST.