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Chris Richardson Discusses CQRS and Event Sourcing via Docker
Chris discusses the rise of CQRS and Event Sourcing as a solution for all domains. With the advent of Docker, applications that manage complex domains can be built tested and deployed in minutes. Chris talks about the reasons for choosing a CQRS and Event Sourced solution as well as how the addition of Docker can help an organization embrace Continuous Delivery by using existing tools.
Allard Buijze on CQRS, Event Sourcing and the Axon Framework
Allard Buijze, creator of Axon, an open source Java framework that supports CRQS architectures, talks about CQRS, Event Sourcing and their relationship. He talks about how to solve some practical issues when applying this kind of architecture. Allard ends by sharing his experiences on building Axon as an open source project and what's in store for future versions of the framework.
Trisha Gee from LMAX Discusses Concurrent Java Programming, Agile, and Diversity in IT
In a wide-ranging interview, LMAX's Trisha Gee talks to Charles Humble about using Java for low latency programming, and the Disruptor, an open source concurrent programming framework developed by LMAX. She also discusses the agile management techniques used at LMAX, and issues around gender and ethnic diversity in IT.
Eric Evans on the State of DDD
At QCon San Francisco, 2008, Eric Evans answers questions about his recent activities and the evolution of DDD. During the interview he responds to questions about the relationship of DDD to usability, to FIT and FITnesse type testing, technology tools, and domain-specific languages. He also speaks about the DDD community as a whole.
Greg Young Discusses State Transitions in Domain-Driven Design and DDD Best Practices
In this interview, Greg Young talks about managing state transitions in a Domain-Driven Design project using two separate models, one for reading data from datastore and the other for write-only command operations. He also discussed Command Query Separation to keep the design cleaner and easier to test and maintain and the best practices that developers can use when working on DDD projects.
Eric Evans Interviews Greg Young on the Architecture of a Large Transaction System
Eric Evans, the author of Domain Driven Design, interviews Greg Young about the architecture implemented for a system processing tens of thousands of transactions per second. It's not just the sheer number of transactions that is challenging, but the time constraints imposed are those specific to real-time systems. Greg reveals some of the architecture elements of the system's design.
Jimmy Nilsson on LINQ to SQL
In this interview, Jimmy focuses on LINQ to SQL and ORM. Jimmy has tried to create a similar technology to LINQ to SQL in the past, but without similar results. While LINQ to SQL is a step in the right direction, .NET still lags behind other programming languages in object-relational mapping capabilities.
Charles Simonyi on Intentional Software
Business users doing programming? In this interview, Charles Simonyi presents a radical new way of building software that separates business knowledge from software engineering knowledge. The claim is to simplify the creation process for software as business experts directly contribute using their customary domain description which results in accelerated innovation.
Eric Evans on Domain Driven Design
Ever since Eric Evans wrote the book Domain-Driven Design in 2004 he has been a significant voice advancing domain modeling and design concepts. In this interview with Floyd Marinescu he talks about some of the recent refinements in Domain-Driven Design and how people are advancing the field today.
Jimmy Nilsson on Domain Driven Design
Jimmy Nilsson, author of 'Applying Domain-Driven Design', talks about the value proposition of Domain Driven Design and how DDD integrates with Agile. Jimmy also answers questions on OOD vs. DDD and the symbiotic relationship of domain specific relationships with DDD.