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InfoQ Homepage Domain Driven Design Content on InfoQ

  • CBDI Publishes Service Architecture and Engineering Metamodel V2.0

    Everware-CBDI announced recently the publication of their second release of ther Service Architecture & Engineering Metamodel which provide different views to capture the metadata associated to services. Salamander announced this week the release of a solution combining their leading MooD product and the SAE metamodel.

  • Interview: Eric Evans on Domain Driven Design

    Ever since Eric Evans wrote the book Domain-Driven Design in 2004 he has been a significant voice advancing domain modeling and design concepts. In this interview with Floyd Marinescu he talks about some of the recent refinements in Domain-Driven Design and how people are advancing the field today.

  • Five Orcas Short Demos

    Microsoft's Data blog has five short demos on Orcas and post-Orcas features for editing XML files and XSD files, debugging XSLT, and working with Entity Data Models (EDM).

  • Domain-Driven Design Case Study: So We Thought We Knew Money

    Ying Hu and Sam Peng show how they solved some major problems dealing with international currency by selectively applying Domain-Driven Design to their existing application.

  • Review of Applying Domain-Driven Design and Patterns

    As a follow-up to our interview with Jimmy Nillson, we bring you a review of his book Applying Domain-Driven Design and Patterns and a sample chapter from courtesy of Addison Wesley Professional.

  • User-Centric Development Approaches: What's Next?

    On her Creating Passionate Users blog, Kathy Sierra recently envisioned software that's not just usable, but transparent, helping users achieve "flow" in their work without intrusive distractions, delays or constraints. Perhaps end-user "flow" is the next big differentiator - and if so, what will the development processes look like that support the creation of such software?

  • Interview: Jimmy Nilsson on Domain-Driven Design

    In this latest video interview, Jimmy Nilsson of 'Applying Domain-Driven Design' talks about the value proposition of Domain Driven Design and how DDD integrates with Agile. Jimmy also answers questions on OOD vs. DDD and the symbiotic relationship of domain specific relationships with DDD.

  • Eric Evans on why Domain-Driven Design Matters Today

    Eric Evans (author of the original book on DDD) tells InfoQ why DDD matters today, how it fits into today's software development platforms, and what's been going on with DDD in the last few years. The interview is an excerpt from InfoQ's book, Domain-Driven Driven Design Quickly.

  • InfoQ Book: Domain Driven Design Quickly

    Despite the importance of Domain Driven Design, not many people are aware of it, which is why InfoQ commissioned the writing of a 100 page mini-book: Domain Driven Design Quickly. Like all InfoQ books is available for free download as well as print-purchase. The book is a short, quickly-readable summary and introduction to the fundamentals of DDD.