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Svelte at the Edge - Luke Edwards at Svelte Summit
Luke Edwards recently gave a talk at Svelte Summit 2020 in which he discussed running Svelte application at the edge. Edwards demoed building and running a simple Svelte application with CloudFlare Workers and Google Cloud.
The Next Svelte May Be Serverless-First -- Rich Harris at Svelte Summit
Rich Harris, the creator of Svelte, lifted the curtain over the experiments that have been taking place around Svelte (the UI framework and compiler) and Sapper (Svelte’s application framework). Harris gave a glimpse of a potential future in which Svelte is a serverless-first framework.
REPLicant, a Super Simple Svelte REPL - Peter Allen at Svelte Summit 2020
Peter Allen recently gave a talk at Svelte Summit 2020 in which he explained the benefits of REPL (Read-Print-Eval-Loop) playgrounds. While the Svelte REPL is complex due to the handling of many edge cases, the principles underlying code playground implementations are simple. Allen progressively led the viewer into the implementation of the simplest possible version of the Svelte REPL.
Animated, Responsive, and Reactive Data Visualization with Svelte
Tom Fevrier and Matthias Stahl recently gave the Svelte community an overview of the techniques that can be used to achieve responsive, interactive, and animated data visualization with Svelte.
Introducing Webpack 5
Version 5.0 of Webpack, the most popular JavaScript module bundler, is finally out offering a slew of improvements, including faster build times, decreased bundle sizes, and many breaking changes.
JavaScript Open Source Awards 2020 Distinguishes Six Impactful Projects
Since 2018, the JavaScript Open Source Awards distinguishes impactful open-source projects across four categories every year— Breakthrough of the Year, The Most Exciting Use of Technology, Fun Side Project of the Year, and The Most Impactful Contribution to the Community. The 2020 batch rewarded six open-source projects.
Mobx Reactive State Management Library Released Version 6
Michel Weststrate, author of the reactive state management library MobX, recently released MobX 6. MobX6 now supports Internet Explorer and React Native and updates its decorator-based API to reflect the new JavaScript decorators proposal (currently in Stage 2). Important pieces of the MobX ecosystem are also updated to support the latest version of MobX.
Neon Enables Embedding Rust Code in Node.js Apps
Neon is a library and toolchain that makes it possible to create native Node modules using Rust. This is similar to what is possible with C and C++, but with the additional benefits brought by Rust safety guarantees.
The State of RxJS - Ben Lesh at Ngconf
RxJS core team member and lead Ben Lesh presented at ng-conf the upcoming features for RxJS 7.
RSLint, a New, Fast JavaScript Linter Written in Rust
Dambrosio recently released RSLint, a linter for JavaScript that is written entirely in Rust. RSLint strives to be as fast as possible, customizable, and easy to use. RSLint is still in the early phase of its development and features basic Visual Studio Code integration.
Reactive Angular Library NgRx v10 Adds Component Local State Management Package
NgRx, a set of reactive extensions for Angular based on RxJS, shipped v10 with a new component store package for local state management. The new package complements the NgRx Store used for application-wide state management. A new, experimental NgRx Component package also supports developers in writing Angular Zoneless applications leveraging Angular Ivy capabilities for better performance.
Vest, a New Javascript Form Validation Framework
Vest is a new framework-agnostic form validation library that separates the validation logic from the feature logic while using a unit testing syntax style that is similar to Mocha and Jasmine.
Cypress 5.x Adds Test Retries and Shadow DOM Support
Cypress, a browser-based test runner and dashboard, recently introduced native support for test retries in the Cypress 5.0 release, helping developers avoid intermittent test failures. Other recent Cypress advances include networking stubbing and shadow DOM support.
NativeScript 7 Moves from ES5 to ES2017+
NativeScript 7 aligns with modern JavaScript standards by targeting es2017+. Additionally, it streamlines app configuration by consolidating it in a single file and replaces JavaScriptCore with V8 for iOS apps.
Jotai, a New Granular State Management Library for React
Paul Henschel recently released jōtai, a new state management library for React. Jōtai claims a minimalistic API (three functions), typescript-readiness, and compatibility with React Suspense and Concurrent Mode.