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Full-Scale Elm in Production
Richard Feldman introduces Elm, how it works, what differentiates it from the other front-end technologies, and gives practical advice for introducing it to an existing JavaScript codebase.
The Hitchhiker's Guide to Serverless JavaScript
Steve Faulkner discusses Bustle's entire serverless stack. He talks about the good, the bad, and the ugly, sharing real numbers from production systems.
Building Hypermedia Clients
Todd Brackley demonstrates provisioning a network of data through a JavaScript client to show that there is no magic and talks through some of the major design issues.
Building Data Pipelines in Python
Marco Bonzanini discusses the process of building data pipelines and all the steps necessary to prepare data, focusing on data plumbing and going from prototype to production.
Data Driven Products Now!
Dan McKinley discusses how Etsy is using data to validate their ideas and prototypes, turning some into real products.
Build to Learn: Rapid Prototyping Methods
Sara Bayless da Costa discusses several prototyping methods helping to learn about product, gather quality feedback, and get the best version of a product out there as quickly as possible.
Machine Learning and End-to-End Data Analysis Processes in Spark Using Python and R
Debraj GuhaThakurta discusses ML and data analysis processes in Spark using examples written in Python and R.
The Strengths of Ember, Angular & React Explored
Rob Wormald, Lee Byron and Taras Mankovski discuss the strengths and weaknesses of Ember, Angular, and React and how one can benefit from each.
Webpack: The One Build Step to Rule Them All
Sean Larking talks about the four concepts everyone should know when using Webpack so they can take and make it their own.
The Node.js Ecosystem in Perspective
Dan Shaw explores the implications of the decisions made while transforming application development from a Java to a JavaScript dominated environment and how they have impacted the Node.js ecosystem.
The Past, Present, and Future of JavaScript
Jay Phelps leads a discussion with Jafar Husain and Stefan Penner through the history of the TC39 specification process, revealing new features coming to a browser near us: ES2015 and beyond.
Developing a Geospatial Webservice with Kotlin and Spring Boot
Sébastien Deleuze shows how to use a relational database without JPA in order to use advanced PostgreSQL functionalities wiht a lightweight stack, demonstrating Kotlin to JavaScript transpiler.