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Building Modern Web Applications with Angular2
Sergi Almar talks about the Angular2 architecture and how TypeScript allows us to build more maintainable and clean applications having the benefits of a typed language.
From Imperative to Reactive Web Apps
Rossen Stoyanchev introduces reactive programming and discusses how it impacts application design from the perspective of a Java developer and what is the support for reactive web apps in Spring 5.
Deep Dive into Asynchronous Patterns in JavaScript
Joseph Andaverde provides insight on how asynchronous patterns - callbacks, promises, generators, and async/await - can be applied through simple yet pragmatic examples.
Beyond Basic Angular Architecture
Jon Harding discusses design patterns and best practices to create scalable applications, build processes to prepare for production and tips to prepare for transitioning to Angular 2.
Adding ES6 to Your Developer Toolbox
Jeff Strauss presents some of the most interesting features available in ES6, providing developers with reasons why they should start using it today.
Introduction to D3.js
Bryan Nehl introduces the D3.js visualization library, demonstrating and explaining the code behind some of the more practical and interesting visualizations and charts.
Faster Ruby, JS and Other Languages Using Graal and Truffle
Chris Seaton introduces Graal, Oracle Labs' new JIT compiler written in Java, enabling new research into optimizations, and Truffle, a framework for implementing languages that uses Graal.
WebAssembly: A New Compilation Target for the Web
Luke Wagner discusses the design of WebAssembly, how web developers can target WebAssembly, and future developments including language support and better integration with JavaScript and HTML.
The Joy of Not Coding
Jeroen Janssens discusses several tricks for polyglot programmers helping to mix and match different languages and tools in a project.
Adventures in Elm: Events, Reproducibility, and Kindness
Jessica Kerr introduces Elm, focusing on its architecture: how it overturns what is essential in object-oriented and even back-end functional programming.
Phoenix and Elm – Making the Web Functional
Chris McCord and Evan Czaplicki keynote on the birth, development and benefits of using their respective tools they created for web development: Phoenix and Elm.
Elm: Finding the Functional in Reactive Programming
Claudia Doppioslash discusses some of the useful features of Elm, such as time traveling debugger, immutability, union types, type inference and Functional Reactive Programming.