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Civilizing Web Programming with Dart
Gilad Bracha presents the motivation behind building Dart, the current state of the Dart platform and where it is heading to.
Making Java Groovy
Ken Kousen advises Java developers how to do similar tasks in Groovy: building and testing applications, accessing both relational and NoSQL databases, accessing web services, and more.
Uncle Sam's Guide to Grails Security
Joe Rinehart discusses some of the essential security topics for Grails/Java Web applications, showing how Grails can make life easier and the pitfalls of attempting to secure highly dynamic code.
Continuum: A JS (ES6) VM Written in JS (ES3)
Brandon Benvie introduces Continuum, what it does, how it works, and why it's useful. Continuum maintains compatibility with all popularly used JS engines in use today (IE8, modern browsers, Node.js).
Web Clustering, Integration with Terracotta, Quartz & Grails 2
Ryan Vanderwerf explains setting up Terracotta and clustering an applications using Ehcache, HTTP Session in Tomcat, and Quartz.
Turtle Graphics in Groovy - Extending Groovy with DSL techniques
Jim Driscoll shows how to create Napili, a small program accepting user scripts to control a turtle using GroovyShell, the Binding, overriding behavior with set/getVariable and invokeMethod, and more.
Design Patterns in Groovy
Venkat Subramaniam shows how to implement several design patterns, including some GoF ones, using Groovy’s dynamic nature and closures.
Upgrading from Grails 1.X to 2.X : Tips, Tricks and Gotchas
Will Buck provides advice for those interested to upgrade their applications from Grails 1.x to 2.x.
Grails Functional Testing with Geb
Craig Atkinson presents using the Geb functional testing library for creating robust and readable tests with both JUnit and Spock, and configuring Geb for testing across multiple browsers.
Grails Plugin Best Practices
Burt Beckwith explains the general process of creating a Grails plug-in, the different types of plug-ins, and how to deploy, release and test them.
Grails Transactions
Burt Beckwith discusses performing transactions in Grails, covering services, customizing transaction attributes (isolation, propagation levels), two-phase commit, using JMS, and testing the code.
Deploying, Scaling, and Running Grails on AWS and VPC
Ryan Vanderwerf explains how to create and deploy a Grails application on AWS VPC using various services such as RDS, S3, autoscaling, S3FS, EBS, etc.