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Build Node.js APIs Using Serverless
Simona Cotin talks about how to migrate an API of an existing app to Azure Functions, and how to use Visual Studio Code and the Azure Functions extension to speed up work.
RxJS: A Better Way to Write Front-End Applications
Hannah Howard talks about the premise of functional reactive programming and how it represents a major conceptual shift but one that can vastly simplify front-end programming.
Full Stack Reactive with React and Spring WebFlux
Matt Raible explores techniques for making an application fully reactive with Spring WebFlux and React.
Fine-Grained Sandboxing with V8 Isolates
Kenton Varda explains how Cloudflare built a compute platform using V8 isolates instead of containers or VMs, achieving 10x-100x faster cold starts and lower memory footprints.
TypeScript for Enterprise Developers
Jessica Kerr talks about some of the great things in TypeScript, like the flexible type systems and the possibility to test before compilation, but also things that make TypeScript painful.
WebAssembly. Neither Web Nor Assembly, All Revolutionary
Jay Phelps talks about WebAssembly, a bytecode designed and maintained by Google, Microsoft, Apple, Mozilla, Intel, LG, among others. He talks about what WebAssembly is and what it isn’t.
Building Serverless Robust, Secured Angular 6 Web Applications
Jeff St. Germain discusses how to setup a series of serverless Azure API endpoints, secure those APIs with JWT tokens from Identity Server 4, and to scaffold the APIs into an Angular 6 site.
Goodbye Client Side JavaScript, Hello C#'s Blazor
Ed Charbeneau explores what Blazor means for web development and talks about how this experiment at Microsoft is shaping up.
Let's Launch a Website, Right Friggin' Now!
Lemon shows a methodology for building websites with Vue, Pug and Sass.
Learning to Love Type Systems
Lauren Tan talks about type systems in TypeScript, Flow, and GraphQL that can improve confidence and help ship less bugs to production every day.
Fantastic Front-End Performance Tricks & Why We Do Them
Jenna Zeigen covers the state of the art in front-end performance optimizations digging into the way the internet and browsers work to explain why each of these practices is important.
SOLID JavaScript
Jonathan Mills shows how to apply all five of the SOLID principles to front-end JavaScript applications.