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Keep Betting on JavaScript
Kyle Simpson takes a look at JavaScript’s history, asking where is it headed, and what are the implications?
Angular2+ Reactive Forms
Lyndsey Padget steps through building a reactive form in Angular 2+ with code snippets and demos.
Up and Running with Angular in 60 Minutes
Justin James introduces Angular, its main modules and the CLI, providing the information needed to start coding in this framework.
npm and the Future of JavaScript
Laurie Voss talks about what npm knows about JavaScript users, how JavaScript usage patterns are changing, and JavaScript security, tools, and future direction.
Desktop Applications in Electron: Pro Tips and Tricks
Paul Betts talks about some common pitfalls that many developers new to Electron fall into, especially people with a web background who are new to Desktop development.
A Room with a Vue.js
Ryan Rousseau introduces Vue.js, building a simple web application to showcase its features and benefits.
Angular2+ Reactive Forms
Lyndsey Padget demos building a reactive form in JavaScript for Angular 2+, making validation and error-handling simple.
Spring Boot 2.0 Web Applications
Brian Clozel and Stéphane Nicoll demo a WebFlux application and leverage Boot features such as Actuator, Developer Tools and more.
Blazor: C# Running in the Browser via WebAssembly
Scott Sauber introduces WebAssembly, explaining why it isn't another Silverlight, and then showing through demos how Blazor works.
TypeScript for the Microsoft Developer
Joseph Guadagno discusses TypeScript, how it is helpful and some of the features it is worth using for.
Finding a Balance
David Nolen discusses some of the choices made working on ClojureScript.
To RPC or Not to RPC: Choosing the Right Communication Strategies in a Microservice Architecture
Thomas Bøgh Fangel presents Lunar Way’s journey of breaking up their Rails monolith into a microservice architecture focusing on the benefits changing synchronous RPC to asynchronous events.