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Streamlining Online Checkout Using Web Standards
Michel Weksler talks about the Payment Request API family of World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) standards and how they can be used to streamline checkout across the web.
The WebAssembly Revolution Has Begun
Jay Phelps talks about WebAssembly, discussing what it is, how it can be used today, and the opportunities it will unlock in the years to come.
Gaining Control with the Web Animations API
Dan Wilson discusses Web Animations API, how it came to be, what are its benefits like timelines, controls, and its dynamic nature in addition to detailing what is available today and coming soon.
Elm and Game Development, a Perfect Fit
Paulo Diniz discusses the Elm architecture, how to use it as functional reactive programming for web game development.
A Peek into Elm Architecture
Jayaram Sankaranarayanan discusses the basics of functional programming principles, using Elm constructs, the architecture and how Elm enables reliable refactoring.
Up and Running with Progressive Web Apps
Nik Molnar presents the fundamentals of Progressive Web Apps, and how to turn a standard web app into something that's installable, works offline and engages users via push notifications.
Build a JavaScript Dev Environment in One hour
Cory House shows how to create and run a command to lint, bundle, minify, run tests, open the browser, and display a JavaScript app.
CSS as Bytecode
Richard Feldman discusses writing an entire responsive, performant, accessible, web app without knowing JavaScript, HTML, or CSS.
You Can and Should Make Hardware
Jeff Williams talks about how to always maintain zero difference between prototype and production versions, treat hardware as a delivery system for software value, run everyday design sprints and more
Reason: JavaScript-Flavored OCaml
Jared Forsyth introduces Reason, OCaml with a JS syntax, covering its basics, how to write React UIs, how to adopt it, what the trade-offs are and how it compares to other languages.
Modern JavaScript in the Cloud
John Papa and Burke Holland discuss solutions and tools (Angular CLI, Docker, etc.) to build and deploy to the cloud a JavaScript application.
Lessons Learned Migrating Complex Software
Jack Franklin shares his experience migrating an application from Angular to React, presenting code examples and also the negative points of this migration.