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Electron Apps, from Start to Production
Paul Betts discusses Electron, a platform for writing cross-platform Desktop apps, explaining how to start writing apps, how to integrate web UI libraries and languages, and others.
Mixing in React
Rushaine McBean talks about how she integrated React into an existing app with its own semi structure, and the lessons learned, improvements made along the way and resulting front-end standards.
Welcome inside the Head of Larry Wall
Larry Wall is interviewed by Joe Armstrong to find out what goes on inside the head of a programming language designer. Is there a method to use when designing a new language?
How to Structure Your Bot with Clarke
Hugo Hache introduces Clarke, a Ruby DSL library designed to build conversational bots.
From Front-end to Full Stack with Elixir & Phoenix
Lauren Tan discusses how one can create web applications with Elixir and Phoenix.
Exploring UI Composition in Aurelia
Rob Eisenberg looks at Aurelia’s approach to UI composition through an exploration of its component model with configuration models based on JavaScript decorators and metadata.
React+Redux at Scale
Daniel Cousineau looks at how React and Redux scale, not just in terms of quantitative performance, but in terms of architecture and team participation.
Avoiding React Performance Pitfalls
Alex Grigoryan discusses the performance problems found and their solutions moving from Backbone/Java to React/Node.js at @WalmartLabs.
Billions of Events Per Day with Elixir
Danni Friedland shares insights Node.js and JavaScript developers need to know before deciding to jump into the Elixir boat.
Parasitic Programming Languages
David Nolen examines the benefits and tradeoffs associated with creating a language based on an existing runtime, with a special focus on the Clojure and ClojureScript projects.
Ember and the State of Web Frameworks
Yehuda Katz discusses the big changes on the web in the past five years and how they affected Ember, plus Ember’s latest project Glimmer, which allows using Ember’s view layer standalone.
A Practical Road to SaaS in Python
Armin Ronacher discusses his experiences building SaaS businesses on a Python technology stack from a security and scalability point of view, and what other technologies work well with Python.