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Case Study: RESTful Web Services at Orbitz
Alex Antonov explains why Orbitz needed to ditch Jini in favor of REST and Protocol Buffers. Most of the presentation contains a demo of a sample application using these technologies.
What's New in SpringSource Tool Suite
Christian Dupuis discusses the SpringSource Tool Suite (STS), STS features, demos of STS, Groovy/Grails, Spring 3.0, REST, Spring Roo, Cloud Foundry, tc Server, dm Server, VMWare, and the STS roadmap.
What's New and Exciting in JPA 2.0
JPA 2.0 adds in many things which were missing in JPA 1.0. This talk covers features like advanced locking, enhanced query language, expression/criteria API and more advanced O/R mapping support.
Managing Mixed Java & .Net Development Projects
Giles Davies and Richard Erwin explain how to work in a mixed development environment, .NET and Java, by using TFS to manage the projects and using Visual Studio and Eclipse as IDEs.
Keynote: The Future of Java Innovation
Rod Johnson believes Java will continue to evolve outside of Sun as it has done lately. As proof he mentions SpringSource's latest contributions: Grails, Roo, free STS, tc Server and dm Server.
Eclipse, Mylyn and the TFI
This presentation provides an overview of Mylyn's task management features including offline editing, background synchronizations, change notifications, and extending Mylyn's frameworks.
Introduction to SpringSource dm Server
Rod Johnson introduces the dm Server by taking a high-level look at it, trying to clear up some misconceptions about what dm Server is, and showing some of the internal workings of the server.
Building Blueprint with GWT
The presentation begins with a demo of Blueprint, written in Java and using GWT to provide the Web browser based user experience and continues with justification and examples.
How (7 years of) Eclipse Changed my Views on Software Development
Erich Gamma shares the lessons learnt from being deeply involved in the development of the Eclipse platform over the years and incorporated into Jazz, IBM’s software development platform.
Textual DSLs Made Simple
In this presentation filmed during QCon London 2008, Markus Voelter tried to convince the audience that writing a textual external DSL is fairly straightforward and simple.
Managing Variability in Product-Lines
In this talk, Markus Völter illustrates how model-driven and aspect oriented software development help addressing the challenge of managing variability in product line engineering.
An Overview of Desktop Java Technologies in Today's RIA World
Scott Delap provides an overview of Swing and Eclipse RCP technologies in today's world of RIA & desktop applications including when to use Java for the client vs. Ajax, Flex, OpenLazslo.