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ARCore 1.20 Brings Persistence and Global Localization to Cloud Anchors
Two years ago, Google introduced Cloud Anchors in ARCore 1.2 to enable collaborative AR experiences across devices. In its latest release, ARCore removes a limitation in Cloud Anchors by providing support for full persistence. Additionally, ARCore 1.20 integrates with Google Earth to make it easier to find AR content.
Microsoft Introduces Its Quantum Intermediate Representation
Based on LLVM, IBM Quantum Intermediate Representation (QIR) extends LLVM IR to better suit the representation of quantum constructs.
iOS 14 Now Available, Developers Forced to Rush to Submit Apps
Apple has released the first public version of iOS 14, which brings a number of new features such as app clips, widgets, improved Swift UI, ARKit, Core ML, and more. Developers received the iOS and Xcode GM version a mere 24 hours in advance, though, which led to some frustration.
WebAssembly Reference Types Implemented in wasmtime, Lets Wasm Modules Handle Complex Types
Nick Fitzgerald recently announced the implementation of the WebAssembly reference types proposal in wasmtime. With reference types, a WebAssembly runtime can handle references to complex host objects (e,g, DOM nodes) instead of only integer and floating-point values. Reference types pave the way for more WebAssembly features – interface types, garbage collection, module linking, and more.
Amazon Releases Quantum Computing Service Braket into General Availability
Amazon Braket is a fully-managed AWS service that provides a development environment for exploring and designing novel quantum algorithms. With the service, customers can test and troubleshoot their algorithms on quantum circuit simulators and run them on different quantum hardware technologies.
Robot Learns to Cook the Perfect Omelette Using Batch Bayesian Optimization
Researchers from the university of Cambridge trained a robot to prepare an omelette and optimized the recipe to produce well-tasting dishes. To find the most objectively best recipe, the researchers turned towards Bayesian optimization techniques. They investigated two methods: sequential Bayesian optimization and batch Bayesian optimization.
MIT Researchers Claim to Have Found a Way to Scale up Quantum Chips
In a recent paper published in Nature, MIT researchers have described a process to manufacture "artificial atoms" that can be integrated to create larger-scale quantum chips. As a proof of this, they built a 128-qubit chip, the largest yet.
Twitter Hack Was Inside Job
Yesterday, a number of tweets were posted from a number of high profile accounts advertising a 2-for-1 scam on Bitcoin. What happened and why? InfoQ investigates.
Google ARCore Depth API Now Available with Additional Sample Code
Released in closed beta at the end of last year, ARCore Depth is now available in ARCore 1.18. Since the initial announcement, Google has been working with selected partners to create compelling use cases of this technology.
Google ML Kit SDK Now Focuses on On-Device Machine Learning
Google has introduced a new ML Kit SDK aimed at working in standalone mode without requiring a tight integration with Firebase, as the original ML Kit SDK did. Additionally, it provides limited support for replacing its default models with custom ones for image labeling and object detection and tracking.
Quantum Machines Launches Universal Language for Quantum Computer Orchestration
Tel Aviv-based startup Quantum Machines launched a new language for quantum orchestration, QUA, aiming to become the first standard universal language for quantum computers. InfoQ has taken the chance to speak with Dr. Itamar Sivan, co-founder and CEO of Quantum Machines, to learn more about this new technology.
Mozilla's WebXR Viewer 2.0 Experiments with WebXR-Compliant JavaScript API for iOS
WebXR 2.0 is a full rewrite of Mozilla's experimental augmented reality (AR) browser aimed to allow web developers to experiment with web-based AR experiences on iOS using WebXR. A key tenet of WebXR 2.0 is its new, specification-complying implementation of the WebXR JavaScript API.
WebAssembly Extended with Hot Reloading, Remote Debugging and Uniform Hardware Access
Researchers recently presented WARDuino, an extension to WebAssembly targeting microcontrollers. WARDuino addresses common development pain points by adding live code updates, remote debugging, and access to the microcontroller’s hardware modules. WARDuino’s virtual machine runs five times faster than Espruino (a popular JavaScript interpreter for microcontrollers) on some benchmarks.
Paddle Quantum: Bringing Baidu Deep Learning Perform to Quantum Computing
Baidu has announced quantum machine learning toolkit Paddle Quantum, which makes it possible to build and train quantum neural network models. Paddle Quantum aims to support advanced quantum computing applications as well as to allow developers new to quantum machine learning to create their models step-by-step.
Space-Efficient Full-Text Search with Rust and WebAssembly
Matthias Endler, backend engineer for Trivago, published a client-side full-text search engine designed for space efficiency by leveraging Bloom filters. Tinysearch is written in Rust, transpiled to WebAssembly, and used in the browser. Tinysearch claims sizes between 50 and 100KB and can only index full words.