InfoQ Homepage Enterprise Architecture Content on InfoQ
PCF in the Land of NSX: A Closer Look at PCF with NSX-V vs. NSX-T
Sabha Parameswaran discuses NSX-V and NSX-T, the differences between them and their integration with PCF.
Towards Memory Safety in Intel SGX Enclave
Yu Ding discusses Rust SGX SDK which combines Intel SGX together with Rust. Developers could write memory-safe SGX enclave easily, eliminating the possibility of being pwned intrinsically.
The Build Trap
Melissa Perri discusses how to avoid building something for the sake of “building” and not because the customer needs it, encouraging businesses to focus on finding value leading to business goals.
JavaScript Futures: ES2017 and the Road ahead
Jeff Strauss discusses some of the new and proposed features of JavaScript, explaining the ES.Next maturity stages and the TC39 review process.
Alluxio: The Journey Thus Far and the Road ahead
Gene Pang introduces Alluxio, an open-source memory-speed virtual distributed storage system, integrations with other storage systems and some of the improvements they are working on.
Bots & Messaging Application APIs
Jasmine Anteunis discusses integrating bots with messaging applications.
GitHub's GraphQL Future
Kyle Daigle shares why GitHub chose GraphQL, how it differs from REST, how GitHub went about implementing it, and how they're using it in production a year later.
Testing Web Services with QuickCheck
Thomas Arts discusses how to test web services with QuickCheck.
Beyond REST: Coursera's Journey to GraphQL
Bryan Kane talks about why Coursera is transitioning to GraphQL and shares challenges and learnings from building their GraphQL assembly layer.
Rethinking CodeGen: IDL, Thrift, gRPC, Ohh My
Cameron Waeland discusses the evolution of Compass and presents their extensible code generation framework which is at the heart of their automatically generated REST to gRPC reverse proxy.
Solving Business Problems Using IoT
The panelists discuss various ways IoT can help solve business problems.
Build vs. Buy: Redefining What’s Core to Your Business
Liam Boogar encourages redefining what is the core of a business, focusing on building that and buying everything else.