InfoQ Homepage Enterprise Architecture Content on InfoQ
Reinventing Credit Insurance with APIs
Christophe Spoerry discusses embedding insurance in B2B innovations.
How to Survive the API Copyright Apocalypse
Steven Willmott recommends avoiding the possible API copyright troubles by sharing API definitions rather than copyrighting them.
The Future of Your Business Needs an API Program... Now!
Roberto Galves discusses the need and how to develop an API-as-a-Business initiative to face the current economy.
BigCos Catching up – Digitizing the Old Economy
Christian Umbach discusses how enterprises should address the digitization of their companies.
API Design and the Future of API Descriptions Formats
Zdenek Nemec discusses the birth, evolution, and the current and the foreseeable future of web APIs.
Scaling Your API Development Workflow
Vincenzo Chianese shares an API development workflow based on culture, understanding, communication and collaboration.
Building out Hypermedia Clients
Todd Brackley outlines the general engine of a hypermedia client implementation, what API forms look like, and then outlines five design issues useful in creating such clients.
Automation of Business Processes
Giuliano Lacobelli discusses the challenges faced automating business processes for a company with large API investments.
Money Is in the Gap
Eric Horesnyi discusses how to develop an API business to have financial success.
GraphQL for All? A Few Things to Think about before Blindly Dumping REST for GraphQL
Arnaud Lauret discusses REST vs. GraphQL, comparing their strengths and weaknesses, suggesting evaluating both before making a decision.
gRPC: A High Performance, Modern RPC System
David Howden introduces gRPC and outlines its main strengths/weaknesses, and then recounts his experience of migrating from JSON/HTTP-based REST to gRPC, including benefits and issues encountered.
Building a Hypermedia API in a Few Minutes with the API Platform Framework
Kevin Dunglas introduces the API Platform and shows how to build an API with it.