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InfoQ Homepage Functional Programming Content on InfoQ

  • Domain-Driven Design Using a Functional Language

    Using a functional language in domain-driven design (DDD) the actual code can often become simple enough to be used instead of UML diagrams when discussing with domain experts, Scott Wlaschin stated in a recent talk about domain modelling together with functional programming using F#.

  • Object Oriented Design Principles and Functional Programming

    Independently from each other, Richard Warburton in a presentation, and Mark Seemann in a blog post both talks about object-orientation and the SOLID design principles from a functional programming perspective.

  • Akka Toolkit 2.3 with Java 8 and Persistence Support

    Latest version of the Akka toolkit, an implementation of Actor Model, comes with persistence enabling stateful actors to persist their internal state, together with support for Java 8 lambda expressions.

  • Elm 0.11 Improves JavaScript Interop

    Elm’s recent 0.11 release aims to simplify using the FRP language in combination with Javascript.

  • Prismatic Adds Data Type Coercion to Schema 0.2

    Prismatic have added data coercion in the 0.2 release of their Clojure data description library, Schema. The addition of coercion means that the library doesn’t just reject data that has the wrong types, but it can be configured to modify instances to fit the schema. InfoQ talked to Prismatic's Jason Wolfe about Schema.

  • LightTable IDE Goes Open Source, Adds Plugin Support

    Chris Granger has open sourced the LightTable IDE with the 0.6 release. Third party plugin support was the highlight feature of the release. InfoQ talked to LightTable creator Chris Granger.

  • Functional Relational Mapping Library Slick 2.0 Released

    Version 2.0 of Slick, a Functional-Relational Mapping, FRM, library for Scala, (corresponding to an Object-Relational Mapper, ORM, for object-oriented languages), was recently released with a code generator for reverse-engineering a database schema and new driver architecture to allow support for non-SQL databases.

  • Scala Turns Ten Today

    Ten years ago today, the first release of the Scala language was announced on the comp.lang.scala newsgroup. It's come a long way in ten years; what will the next ten years be like? InfoQ looks back.

  • Om: Enhancing Facebook's React with Immutability

    Om is a new a ClojureScript interface for Facebook’s React HTML UI library. Om uses Clojure(Script)'s persistent data structures and requestAnimationFrame to further improve React's rendering. InfoQ talked to Om's creator, David Nolen, about Om and the benefits of functional concepts for application programming.

  • Xen Project Releases 1.0 of Mirage OS

    Mirage OS is a ‘cloud operating system’ that seeks to avoid security vulnerabilities and bloat by facilitating the creation of single purpose virtual appliances. Applications are developed in the OCaml functional programming language and compiled into standalone ‘unikernels’ that run directly on the Xen hypervisor.

  • Vaughn Vernon: Reactive Domain-Driven Design

    Vaughn Vernon, author of Implementing Domain-Driven Design, recently talked about using Scala and the Actor Model implementation Akka together with Doman-Driven Design as a means to remove some of the architecture overhead typically found in event-driven or hexagonal architectures.

  • Oracle Releases Videos and Slides from the 2013 JVM Language Summit

    Oracle have released videos and slides from the 2013 JVM Language Summit, which saw uses of the JVM from the biggest data to the smallest mobiles, and future performance advances in the JVM runtime. Read on to find out more about what was covered.

  • Core.Typed Adds an Optional Type System to Clojure

    core.typed adds an optional type system to Clojure, aiming to combine the best of both worlds: the brevity and flexibility of Clojure and the safety guarantees that a type-checker provides.

  • Java 8 Developer Preview Released

    Oracle has released the first developer preview of Java 8 for the full range of platforms (Windows, Max OS X, Linux, Solaris).

  • FP Complete Launches Browser Based Haskell IDE

    FP Complete has launched Haskell Center, their new Haskell IDE and application server. The IDE is browser based, and together with their application server, should make it much easier to create and run web based Haskell programs.