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InfoQ Homepage Functional Programming Content on InfoQ

  • Atmosphere 1.0: Asynchronous Communication For Java/JavaScript

    Atmosphere 1.0 is a new Java/Scala/Groovy framework that attempts to abstract asynchronous communication between the web browser and the application server. It transparently supports Web Sockets, HTML5 Server Side events and other application server specific solutions when available, with long polling as a fallback.

  • Community-Driven Research: Why Are You Not Using Functional Languages?

    InfoQ's research initiative continues with an 11th question: "Why Are You Not Using Functional Languages?". This is a new service we hope will provide you with up-to-date & bias-free community-based insight into trends & behaviors that affect enterprise software development. Unlike traditional vendor/analyst-based research, our research is based on answers provided by YOU.

  • Community-Driven Research: Top 20 Web Frameworks for the JVM

    InfoQ's research initiative continues with an 10th question: "Top 20 Web Frameworks for the JVM". This is a new service we hope will provide you with up-to-date & bias-free community-based insight into trends & behaviors that affect enterprise software development. Unlike traditional vendor/analyst-based research, our research is based on answers provided by YOU.

  • Introducing the New Features of F# 3.0

    The upcoming release of .NET Framework 4.5 brings in several new features for F# 3.0 (F Sharp) language such as a new type attribute, triple-quoted string literals, auto-properties, and unused variable warnings in addition to the core features such as type providers and LINQ queries.

  • Scala Adding Macros to the Language

    The team behind Scala is adding an experimental version of macros in the forthcoming release version 2.10. Scala macros provide an advanced form of compile-time meta-programming.

  • Talking WebSharper with Adam Granicz

    The F#-based framework, WebSharper, was recently released as an open source project. We spoke with Adam Granicz, CEO of IntelliFactory about the transition and WebSharper’s F# to JavaScript compiler.

  • Loop: A Compact JVM Language for Multi-Core

    As a programming language, Loop is compact JVM language influenced by Haskell, Scheme, Ruby and Erlang. It also tries to bring together the best features of functional programming  and OO languages, in a consistent and pragmatic manner.

  • An Alternative Build System: Gradle 1.0 Released

    Gradle 1.0, a build system powered by a Groovy DSL, has been released. Gradle is compatible with Ant tasks, Maven repositories, and has support for the popular IDEs. It attempts to find the sweet spot between the flexibility of Ant and convention-over-configuration of Maven.

  • Rich Hickey Speaks on Datomic at Clojure/West

    Rich Hickey spoke at the Clojure/West conference last weekend about his newest venture, Datomic, which he describes as “a distributed database designed to enable scalable, flexible and intelligent applications, running on cloud architectures.” Datomic sits on Amazon’s DynamoDB, and embeds Datalog, a subset of Prolog, to move queries into the application.

  • Typesafe Stack 2.0: Scala, Akka, Play

    Typesafe has released Typesafe Stack 2.0, an open source platform for building scalable applications in Java and Scala. The Typesafe Stack includes the Scala programming language, the Akka 2.0 event-driven middleware, the Play 2.0 web framework, and various development tools, that integrate seamlessly with existing Java environments.

  • Travis CI Announces Support for Java and Plans for Travis Pro

    Travis CI, a cloud-based continuous integration (CI) offering for open source projects on Github, has announced support for Java builds, as well as Scala and Groovy additions. After gaining traction among the Ruby open source community the project is now looking into the possibility of expansion to a hosted CI service (nicknamed Travis Pro).

  • Effective Scala - Best Practices from Twitter

    Twitter has open sourced its Effective Scala guide. The document is on GitHub and is licensed under CC-BY 3.0. Scala is one of the primary programming languages used at Twitter, and most of the Twitter infrastructure is written in Scala. The Effective Scala guide is a series of short essays, a set of "best practices" learned from using Scala inside Twitter.

  • Scala IDE 2.0 Adds Refactoring Support

    Just before Christmas, version 2.0 of the Scala IDE was released. The Scala IDE project, started by Miles Sabin, and later joined by Typesafe to result in a production quality Scala development environment. InfoQ caught up with Typesafe's Iulian Dragos to ask what's new.

  • Keeping Scala Fresh(er)

    With Scala 2.10 on the horizon, and recent controversial opinions, what really is the story with Scala's backward compatibility, and how will it affect popular Scala libraries? If Josh Suereth is right, a reboot of the Scala Fresh project proposed by David Pollak last year.

  • Typesafe Stack Adopts Play Framework

    Typesafe announced the Play framework will be included in the Typesafe Stack 2.0. The Play framework is a Rails/Grails like framework originally focused on Java not Scala. Now the Play framework 2.0 supports Scala and Java as first class citizen. InfoQ catches up with Donald Fischer, President and CEO of Typesafe, to get his thoughts on adding the Play framework to the Typesafe Stack.