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InfoQ Homepage Functional Programming Content on InfoQ

  • Exploring Tuple Spaces Persistence In Ruby With Blackboard

    Ruby has long been criticized for 1.8's limited green threads. Luc Castera gave a presentation at RubyNation about Concurrent Programming with Ruby and Tuple Spaces. He introduces 2 ways of implementing TupleSpaces in Ruby: Rinda and Blackboard using Redis (with plans to porting it to Erlang).

  • Roundup: Scala as the long term replacement for Java

    Scala has been receiving much attention lately as a possible candidate to replace Java in the future. James Strachan creator of Groovy advocates in favor of Scala as James Gosling, creator of Java and Charles Nutter JRuby Core Developer, have done in the past.

  • Twitter, an Evolving Architecture

    Evan Weaver, Lead Engineer in the Services Team at Twitter, who’s primarily job is optimization and scalability, talked about Twitter’s architecture and especially the optimizations performed over the last year to improve the web site during QCon London 2009.

  • Goat Rodeo: A Unified Data Model for Web Applications

    David Pollak, found of the Lift web framework and "Beginning Scala" author, has announced a new initiative "Goat Rodeo" that aims to bring data modeling into the 21st century.

  • The Many Types of Null in F#

    F# was supposed to free us of the tyranny of the unchecked null. Alas not only does the compiler lack null checking, it introduces several more kinds of null.

  • Pattern Matching in .NET 4

    Pattern matching may seem like an alien concept to developers who focus on C# and VB style languages, but it shouldn’t be. Ultimately it is just a refinement of the case statement, which itself is a refinement of if-else-if blocks. This piece takes a brief look at that transition and how F#’s pattern matching can be applied to VB and C#.

  • Latest F# Breaks Binary Compatibility

    Microsoft has included F# in VS 2010 Beta 1 and has released a corresponding CTP update for VS 2008. The latest binaries, version, are not compatible with previous ones, v., meaning all previous code needs to be recompiled.

  • Presentation: Building RESTful Web Services with Erlang and YAWS

    In this presentation recorded at QCon SF 2008, Steve Vinoski shows how to create RESTful web services using YAWS and Erlang. The presentation introduces YAWS and offers YAWS-Erlang code snippets on how to implement REST principles.

  • Erlang and Ruby Roundup: 37Signals, Erlectricity

    37Signals is the latest company to use Erlang in combination with Ruby. The recent Erlang Factory conference also had other examples of Erlang use at EngineYard as well as a talk about Erlectricity, the library that connects Erlang and Ruby.

  • Interview: Paul Hudak on Haskell

    This interview with Paul Hudak, recorded at QCon San Franscisco 2008, begins with a discussion of when to introduce difficult Haskell concepts like monads; moves to a discussion of the philosophy of higher order programming, the success and influence of Haskell, its use in the mainstream, and concludes with the idea of teaching computer music and Haskell simultaneously.

  • Data, Context and Interaction : A New Architectural Approach by James O. Coplien and Trygve Reenskau

    James O. Coplien and Trygve Reenskaug have recently introduced a new architectural approach to OOP based on Data, Context and Interaction pattern. It should allow capturing user mental model in terms of behavioral requirements, something that classic OOP fails to do. The article, that triggered many reactions and critics, provides insights into DCI using concrete examples to show its advantages.

  • Declarative Concurrency For Ruby With Dataflow

    Part of the Ruby language was influenced by functional programming techniques. Larry Diehl brings a declarative concurrent model to Ruby by importing the concept of unification from Oz Language with the Dataflow project.

  • Axum, Microsoft’s Approach to Parallelism

    Axum, previously known as Maestro, is a Microsoft incubation language project meant to provide a parallel programming model for .NET through isolation, actors and message passing. The language borrows many concepts from Erlang but with a C#-like syntax.

  • Interview: Don Syme Answering Questions on F#, C#, Haskell and Scala

    In this interview made by InfoQ’s Sadek Drobi, Don Syme, a Senior Researcher at Microsoft Research, answers questions mostly on F#, but also on functional programming, C# generics, type classes in Haskell, similarities between F# and Scala.

  • JOSH: A Proposed Software Stack for the Enterprise

    Grey Lens Man, a blogger who does not decline his identity, posted an interesting piece about legacy problems plaguing the enterprise and proposes a new software stack as viable solution: JOSH, JSON OSGi Scala HTTP.