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InfoQ Homepage Functional Programming Content on InfoQ

  • Is It Premature to Talk About C++ and Java’s Legacy?

    Bruce Eckel’s recent blog post on the legacy left by C++ and Java generated a lot of reaction. While mentioning some design mistakes, he concludes that both languages have had a significant role in programming languages evolution and an important positive legacy. But is it not too early to talk about their legacy?

  • Presentation: Taming Effects with Functional Programming

    In this presentation recorded during QCon London 2008, Simon Peyton-Jones advertises the need for programming purity achieved especially through use of functional languages and the increased attention given to functional programming.

  • Interview: Erik Meijer on LINQ

    In this interview made during QCon SF 2008, Erik Meijer talks about less known LINQ features, like the ability to do meta programming or the fact that LINQ works against any data collection that implements the sequence operators. Meijer also talks about the differences between functional languages and objectual ones, asynchronous computation, and the evolution of languages.

  • Interview: Lennart Augustsson on DSLs Written in Haskell

    In this interview filmed at QCon SF 2008, Lennart Augustsson talks about writing DSLs in Haskell, presenting the advantages offered by the language. In that context, he talks about embedded DSLs, static and dynamic languages, syntax and semantics, monads and many other related topics.

  • Presentation: CouchDB and Me

    In this talk from RubyFringe, Damien Katz explains what drove him to create CouchDB, why he chose Erlang, how it ended up as an Apache project and much more.

  • What Makes Haskell Worth Learning for Real World Applications

    One of co-authors of the Real World Haskell book, John Goerzen, talks in a recent interview to O’Reilly about purity, laziness, recursiveness and many other subjects that make Haskell worth learning but may also be a source of reluctance for people coming from object oriented or imperative programming.

  • Live Production Clojure Application Announced

    A production health-care application built using Clojure (among other languages) has been announced, and is now running live. Several details have been provided regarding the architecture, deployment, and runtime behavior of the application.

  • Programming Languages: 2008 Review and Prospects for 2009

    In the beginning of last year, Ehud Lamm launched on Lamba the Ultimate a thread about programming languages predictions for 2008. Several subjects popped up: concurrency, functional programming, future of Java, Ruby, C++, and many others… What really happened in 2008 and what are the prospects for 2009? Bloggers have addressed these questions on demand of James Iry, echoing at last year thread.

  • Erlang Bindings for Windows Azure

    One of the advantages of a REST architecture is that is makes it much easier to implement cross-language bindings. To wit, Sriram Krishnan has created a set of Azure bindings for the concurrent programming language, Erlang.

  • Erlang Style Concurrency for .NET Applications Part 1 - CCR

    Erlang allows for massively scalable concurrency, often with millions of lightweight, thread-like components known as actors. Unfortunately, using Erlang requires rewriting all of your legacy code into a rather esoteric language. But there are other options, such as the little known CCR platform that was developed by .NET's robotics department.

  • It's Official: Visual Studio 2010 Will Ship with F#

    Back in 2007 it was revealed that F# would become a first class language on the .NET platform at some point in the future. Last night it was announced that F# will be included in the Visual Studio 2010 release.

  • Is OOP Better for Structuring your Code?

    Programming languages that offer more power and flexibility have been lately gaining momentum. Johnatan Tang highlights, however, the flexibility vs. productivity tradeoff in terms of program structure. Whereas multi-dispatch languages provide more flexibility in arranging code, traditional object orientation makes organizing programs easier.

  • Nanite: A Self Assembling Cluster of Ruby Processes

    Nanite is Engine Yard's latest addition to their cloud computing strategy: a "self assembling cluster of ruby processes" to form the backend of highly scalable web applications. We talked to its developer Ezra Zygmuntowicz and also got some news about Vertebra.

  • Interview: Damien Katz Relaxing on CouchDB

    In this interview, Damien Katz talks about CouchDB, a distributed, fault tolerant, document oriented database developed by Apache Incubator. CouchDB is written in Erlang, and the database is accessed through an HTTP/JSON API. The database view engine is run on JavaScript, but other languages have been used like Ruby and Python.

  • Interview: Joe Armstrong About Erlang

    In this interview filmed during QCon London 2008, Joe Armstrong, designer of Erlang, speaks on various aspects of the Erlang language, presenting its roots, how it compares with other languages and why it has become popular these days due to its native ability to scale on multi core systems.