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InfoQ Homepage Functional Programming Content on InfoQ

  • Facebook Chat Architecture

    An under the covers look at the Facebook Chat architecture. "The secret for going from zero to seventy million users overnight is to avoid doing it all in one fell swoop."

  • Should you really learn another language?

    Blogger Gustavo Duarte cursed in church when he said that learning new programming languages is often a waste of time. He said that "In reality learning a new language is a gritty business in which most of the effort is spent on low-value tasks with poor return on time invested.". But not everyone agreed.

  • F# 1.9.4 Available Now with Important Updates

    Microsoft released an new version of its F# compiler, version 1.9.4. A version more polished and simplified.

  • Is it time to abandon loops?

    With the addition of LINQ, extension methods, and improved anonymous delegates, many algorithms no longer need explicit loops. In a post titled "If you are using a loop, you're doing it wrong", Chuck Jazdzewski looks at a possible future for C#.

  • Article: RESTful Services with Erlang and Yaws

    In this article, Steve Vinoski explains how to build RESTful Web services using the Erlang programming language and the Yaws web server. While Steve considers most Web frameworks failures simply because they were a poor match to the problem, he believes Yaws and Erlang are a better match for RESTful development than many other language frameworks that were built specifically for that purpose.

  • Presentation: Scala: Bringing Future Languages to the JVM

    In this presentation, Lex Spoon discusses the Scala programming language. Topics covered include the origin of Scala, the philosophy behind Scala, the Scala feature set, Object-Oriented and Functional programming in Scala, examples of Scala code, writing DSLs, how Scala is converted into Java, Scala performance, Abstract Data Types, unapply, actors and partial functions.

  • Programming Languages: More Powerful with Less Freedom?

    In quest for more power, languages are often grown with new features. While it provides programmer with more freedom, does this actually achieve more power? Reg Braithwaite believes that this is not necessarily true and argues that it is possible to render language more powerful yet limiting options offered to programmers.

  • David Pollak on lift and Scala

    With the release of lift 0.6, the web application framework for Scala, InfoQ took the opportunity to ask David Pollak some questions around lift and developing in Scala.

  • Debate about Testing and Recoverability: Object Oriented vs. Functional Programming Languages

    In his latest blog post, Michael Feathers argued that object oriented programming languages offer some built-in features that facilitate testing and are therefore more recovery friendly than functional languages. Proponents of functional languages expressed strong disagreement with this statement, which provoked a very passionate debate in the blog community.

  • Interview: CORBA Guru Steve Vinoski on REST, Web Services, and Erlang

    In a new interview, recorded at QCon San Francisco 2007, CORBA Guru Steve Vinoski talks to Stefan Tilkov about his appreciation for REST, occasions when he would still use CORBA and the role of description languages for distributed systems. Other topics covered include the benefits of knowing many programming languages, and the usefulness of of Erlang to build distributed systems.

  • Communicating Intent through Idiom and Paradigm Selection

    What about using idioms and programming conventions as signals to achieve more readability and expressiveness? This is what Reg Braithwaite advocates for, suggesting that syntax or even paradigm choices can be a means to communicate the intent.

  • Bill Burke on Dynamic Languages: Rationalizations and Myths

    "Am I just a Java fanboy?" - this is a good question. And it is one that Bill Burke does answer in his blog post Dynamic Languages: Rationalizations and Myths. But along with the post comes an overwhelming response, and insight into where we are heading as a community.

  • Derek Wischusen on Integrating Flex, BlazeDS and Scala/Lift

    Derek Wichusen of Flex on Rails wrote about integrating Flex, BlazeDS and Scala/Lift.

  • Get a Grasp on Expression Trees

    Developers familiar with functional programming languages might not need an explanation as to why expression trees are useful. For the rest of us expression trees are the most striking concept of all the new features in C# 3.0 or VB 9.0.

  • Tapping method chains with Ruby 1.9

    Ruby 1.9 adds a method to all objects: tap. This method allows to elegantly inspect data that flows through chained method calls. We look at how it's implemented at where it's helpful.