InfoQ Homepage Functional Programming Content on InfoQ
From Haskell 98 to Modern Haskell–Making Sense of the Haskell Type System
Ryan Lemmer takes a look at Haskell’s type system, including extensions: GADTs, multi-param type-classes, functional dependencies, type functions, kind polymorphism, type promotion, etc.
Functional Programming in Aviation
Tony Morris discusses some of the issues met in aviation and how functional programming can be applied to provide significant improvements in efficiency and air safety.
Drivetribe: A Social Network on Streams
Aris Koliopoulos talks about how common problems in social media can be resolved with a healthy mix of stream processing and functional programming.
Mining Functional Patterns
Debasish Ghosh discusses refactoring imperative code into functional patterns, improving code quality from the point of view of modularity, compositionality and simplicity.
A Practical Guide to GenStage with a Real-Life Use Case
Gyanendra Aggarwal introduces Elixir GenStage, a back-pressure abstraction, demonstrating how to use it through a real case warehouse automation.
Writing Extensible Functional Code
Renan Ranelli discusses Protocols (Elixir & Clojure) and TypeClasses (Haskell) and relates them to alternatives in other languages (Mixins in Ruby and Extension Methods in C#).
New in Spring Framework 5.0: Functional Web Framework
Arjen Poutsma discusses Spring’s functional web framework, how it is used, what its goals are, how it compares to the annotation model, and other related topics.
Reactive DDD: Modeling Uncertainty
Vaughn Vernon discusses how the uncertainty introduced by vastly distributed systems can be finessed into highly functioning, business-centric systems, that teams can design, develop, and reason about
Erlang and Akka Actors–A Story of Tradeoffs
Pranav Rao discusses how BEAM differs from Akka actors implemented over the JVM and how design decisions can affect performance.
A Peek into Elm Architecture
Jayaram Sankaranarayanan discusses the basics of functional programming principles, using Elm constructs, the architecture and how Elm enables reliable refactoring.
Functional Performance
Martin Thompson discusses the most relevant laws governing software performance in the context of financial applications.
Taming The Wild Frontier - Adventures in ClojureScript
John Stevenson discusses the benefits of using ClojureScript to write web applications.