InfoQ Homepage Functional Programming Content on InfoQ
Compositional I/O Stream in Scala
Runar Bjarnason presents how to get started with the Scalaz-Stream library, shows some examples, and how we can combine functional streams into large distributed systems.
Types Working for You, Not against You
Richard Dallaway shows an example of what Scala looks like when using pattern matching over classes, how to encode an idea into types and use advanced features of Scala without complicating the code.
Reactive Systems: From Drug Development to Functional Programming
Jonathan Graham takes a look at the Reactive Manifesto and Functional Programming from the perspective of the pharmaceutical industry and the quality of the processes used to produce drugs.
Collection Pipeline Design Techniques
Michael Feathers outlines strategies for creating pipelines that transform data from stage to stage without access to any other state.
Functional Programming You Already Know
Kevlin Henney examines functional and declarative programming styles from the point of view of coding patterns, little languages and programming techniques already familiar to many programmers.
Beyond Lists
Phillip Trelford shows through live demos data structures that are orders of magnitude more performant than lists.
Tor in Haskell & Other Unikernel Tricks
Adam Wick discusses the unikernel implementation of Tor, what makes Tor an attractive target for a unikernel, and what aspects of unikernels are particularly interesting when considering Tor.
Categories for the Working Programmer
Jeremy Gibbons discusses how categories can help the working functional programmer, focusing on categories as an organizing principle that helps managing generic libraries.
The Last Programming Language
Robert Martin walks through some of the history of programming languages, and then prognosticates on the future of languages.
Functional Programming Kata with Groovy
Scott Hickey works through a solution to the Bank OCR kata, using Groovy and functional programming techniques. The code uses recursion plus Groovy methods that support functional programming.
Groovy: The Awesome Parts
Paul King presents examples of Groovy and its application: DSL, dynamic typing, extensible static type system, Android programming, concurrency, functional, frameworks and tools.
Carefully Composing Logic: Functional JavaScript
Brad Urani explores the basics of FP, higher-order functions, partial function application, lazy evaluation and persistent data structures, showing how FP style avoids certain classes of bugs.