Accueil InfoQ Présentations Becoming a Learning Organisation the Kanban Way
Becoming a Learning Organisation the Kanban Way
This session will explore how heuristics can be used to enable this problem solving capability. I will introduce the Kanban Canvas, with a set questions which can be used to encourage creative thinking from multiple perspectives, from understanding the problems, to imagining the desired impacts and then designing potential interventions.
Helping businesses become Learning Organisations. Creator of: Kanban Thinking (and the Kanban Canvas), Ball Flow Game, Lego Flow Game (with Sallyann Freudenberg)
A propos de cette Conférence
Participez à LKFR et enrichissez-vous de l'expérience de managers, leaders, entrepreneurs, responsables produit et de personnes qui tranforment leur manière de travailler au quotidien.