Accueil InfoQ Présentations Bootstrapping Machine Learning
Bootstrapping Machine Learning
Prediction APIs are democratizing Machine Learning. They make it easier for developers to build smart features in their apps by abstracting away some of the complexities of building and deploying predictive models. In this talk we’ll look at the possibilities and limitations of ML, how to use Prediction APIs, how to prepare data to send to them, and how to assess performance.
I am a data guy who has fully switched from Matlab to Python. I am the author of Bootstrapping Machine Learning and a co-founder of, the International Conference on Predictive APIs and Apps.
A propos de cette Conférence
PyconFR, c'est le rendez-vous annuel des utilisateurs du langage de programmation Python organisé par l'AFPy, Association Francophone Python. La conférence, gratuite et libre d'accès, accueille chaque année plus de 200 développeurs venus de toute la France et d'ailleurs. Suivez @pyconfr sur twitter.