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Accueil InfoQ Présentations B2B and B2C product management: same yet different

B2B and B2C product management: same yet different



Product management changes a lot whether or not you're in B2C or B2B. With B2C being the clear darling of the press and different books on the subject, After 11 years as a B2C PM and 1.5 years in B2B, I wanted to share my views on what makes B2B different for a Product Manager.


Product Manager @ Criteo;

A propos de cette Conférence

La Product Conference réunit les professionnels de la création de produits numériques. CEO, CPO, VP Product, Product Managers, Product Owners ... vous avez envie d'apprendre, de vous inspirer, d'échanger ? Cette conférence est faite pour vous.

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31 oct. 2016