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Storm at Criteo



Storm est un projet apache de calcul distribué orienté flux. Concrètement, cela permet de retravailler ses flux de données pratiquement en temps réel à travers de topologies de calcul, tout en permettant au développeur de se concentrer sur son code métier. Dans cet exposé, nous présenterons rapidement Storm et son fonctionnement.


Fond of Science, I like to study new problems and to provide creative and efficient solutions. Although theoretical works are important to me, I am more motivated when they lead to practical results. After being a research Engineer, I have evolved to be a DevOps, which mean to be able to tackle software engineering challenges as well as infrastructure ones.

A propos de cette Conférence

Let's get together and chat about machine-learning, natural language processing, large scale data analytics using open source tools such as Hadoop MapReduce, Shark, NoSQL databases, the semantic web and linked data.

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22 déc. 2014