Toutes les activités
Toutes les activités
Counterfactual Evaluation of Machine Learning Models
Michael Manapat discusses how Stripe evaluates and trains their machine learning models to fight fraud.
Article Series: An Introduction to Machine Learning for Software Developers
In this series, we give an introduction to some powerful but generally applicable techniques in machine learning.
Book Review: Andrew McAfee and Erik Brynjolfsson's "The Second Machine Age"
Andrew McAffee and Erik Brynjolfsson begin their book The Second Machine Age with a simple question: what innovation has had the greatest impact on human history?
Anomaly Detection for Time Series Data with Deep Learning
This article introduces neural networks, including descriptions of feed-forward and recurrent neural networks, describing how to build a recurrent neural network that detects anomalies.
Introduction to Machine Learning with Python
In this article, we present an extended “case study” in Python: how can we build a machine learning model to detect credit card fraud?
Startup ML: Bootstrapping a Fraud Detection System
Michael Manapat talks about how to choose, train, and evaluate models, how to bridge the gap between training and production systems, and avoiding pitfalls.