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Ralph Johnson

Page de profil créée 04 déc. 2009


  • 4 Abonnés

Toutes les activités

  • Parallel Programming Patterns: Data Parallelism

    Ralph Johnson presents several data parallelism patterns, including related Java, C# and C++ libraries from Intel and Microsoft, comparing it with other forms of parallelism such as actor programming.

    Parallel Programming Patterns: Data Parallelism
  • Parallel Programming Patterns: Data Parallelism

    Ralph Johnson presents several data parallelism patterns, including related libraries from Intel and Microsoft, comparing it with other forms of parallel programming such as actor programming.

    Parallel Programming Patterns: Data Parallelism
  • Living and Working with Aging Software

    Ralph Johnson discusses principles, practices and tools relating to software development starting from already existing code which needs refactoring, maintenance, and sometimes architectural change.

    Living and Working with Aging Software
  • Ralph Johnson, Joe Armstrong on the Future of Parallel Programming

    Ralph Johnson and Joe Armstrong discuss their ideas about parallel programming - whether shared memory is harmful, the place of message passing, fault tolerance, the importance of protocols and more.

    Ralph Johnson, Joe Armstrong on the Future of Parallel Programming
  • Ralph Johnson, Joe Armstrong on the State of OOP

    Ralph Johnson and Joe Armstrong discuss the state of OOP, what Smalltalk got right/wrong and the image concept. Also: Joe decides he likes OOP as long as its done the Erlang way: focused on messaging.

    Ralph Johnson, Joe Armstrong on the State of OOP
  • A Pattern Language for Parallel Programming

    Ralph Johnson on a pattern language for parallel programming based on the following patterns: Structural, Computational, Parallel Algorithm Strategy, Implementation Strategy, and Concurrent Execution.

    A Pattern Language for Parallel Programming
  • Ralph Johnson on Parallel Programming Patterns

    Ralph Johnson, a GoF author, talks about the upcoming book “The Patterns for Parallel Programming” highlighting the difficulties in discovering and writing down patterns, and choosing a pattern to use

    Ralph Johnson on Parallel Programming Patterns


