Stéphane Wojewoda
InfoQ Editor
With a strong knowledge of software trends, passion for sharing deep technical insights, and community recognition, InfoQ Editors are helping software development teams adopt new technologies and practices.
Certification ID: d9cca729-952d-11ef-8b06-02b638e854ef
Copy link to achievement:What I like: keeping up with the last trends, in tech & culture. What I do: helping people and corps to grow and develop themselves in a sustainable pace. What's make me happy: when the team I work with reach this point where they fell they understand why they do what they do, and they achieve to do the right thing right, at the right time, with just enough effort. What's make me happy 2: see my little girl grow up with a smile. And she does that faster that company
Ma passion : rester à la pointe des tendances tech et culture. Ma mission : aider les individus et leurs entreprises à grandir à un rythme soutenable. Mon sourire : quand les équipes que j'accompagne comprennent pourquoi elles font ce qu'elles font, et parviennent à bien faire les bonnes choses au bon moment avec un effort just suffisant. Ce qui me rend encore plus heureux : voir le sourire de ma fille qui grandit. Et elle le fait plus vite que les entreprises