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Building Green Software with Anne Currie and Sara Bergman
What Does It Mean to Be Green in IT? That's the question that begins chapter one in Building Green Software. In this episode, Thomas Betts is joined by two of the book's authors, Anne Currie and Sara Bergman. The discussion covers general themes and digs into some practical advice for all software practitioners.
InfoQ Java Trends Report 2024 - Discussing Insights with Ixchel Ruiz and Gunnar Morling
In this episode, Ixchel Ruiz and Gunnar Morling sat down with podcast host Michael Redlich, lead editor of the Java topic at InfoQ, to discuss the recent publication of the InfoQ Java Trends Report. Topics covered included: the advantages of the Java six-month release cadence; Project Lilliput and compact object headers; nullability in Java; the impact of Python; and the One Billion Row Challenge.
InfoQ Java Trends Report 2023 - Discussing Insights with Mike Redlich
In this episode, Michael Redlich and Daniel Bryant discussed the recent publication of the InfoQ Java Trends Report. Topics covered included the release of Java 21, the adoption of Java virtual threads, the evolution of the Jakarta EE and Spring projects, and the development of community and ecosystems projects.
Joe Duffy on Infrastructure as Code, Pulumi, and Multi-Cloud
In this podcast, Daniel Bryant sat down with Joe Duffy, founder and CEO at Pulumi, and discussed several infrastructure-themed topics: the evolution of infrastructure as code (IaC), the way in which the open source Pulumi framework allows engineers to write IaC using general purpose programming languages such as JavaScript and Go, and the future of multi-cloud environments.
Vaughn Vernon on Developing a Domain Driven Design First Actor-Based Microservices Framework
Vaughn Vernon has recently released a new open source project called vlingo. The platform is designed to support DDD at the framework and toolkit level. On today’s podcast, Vernon discusses what the framework is all about, why he felt it was needed, and some of the design decisions made in developing the platform.
Improving Software Engineering Practices using Essence with Ian Spence
In this podcast Shane Hastie, Lead Editor for Culture & Methods, spoke to Ian Spence about improving software engineering practices using Essence as a pattern language.
The Craziness of Methods and Frameworks, and What to Do Instead with Ivar Jacobson
In this podcast Shane Hastie spoke to Ivar Jacobson, originator of Use Cases and pioneer of component based development, about the craziness of methods and frameworks, and what we can do instead.
Aaron Blohowiak from Netflix on Mistakes and Discoveries While Cultivating Ownership
In this podcast recorded at QCon San Francisco 2019, Shane Hastie, lead editor for culture & methods, spoke to Aaron Blohowiak of Netflix about using a framework for delegation to encourage ownership and engagement among team members.