InfoQ Homepage Frameworks Content on InfoQ
“Batteries Included” - Advantages of an End-to-end JavaScript Stack
Juergen Fesslmeier discusses the advantages of using a complete JavaScript stack in order to create business web applications demoing creating such an app with Wakanda.
Dagger: A Fast Dependency Injector for Android and Java
Jesse Wilson introduces Dagger, a dependency injection framework for Java, covering the motivation behind its creation, examples on how to use it and some of the internal details.
Concurrency in iOS
Jeff Kelley introduces the Grand Central Dispatch framework for writing concurrent applications for iOS.
SocketStream - A New Framework for a New Web
Owen Barnes introduces SocketStream, a Node.js framework for building single-page real-time web applications that access all of their data via WebSocket.
Client-Side UI Smackdown
Craig Walls reviews several JavaScript client-side UI frameworks: Backbone.js, Spine.js, Knockout, Knockback, Sammy.
Architecture of a Modern Web App
Scott Andrews demoes using two JavaScript frameworks – Meteor and Derby – to create complex web applications.
The Mobile Web Developer's Tool Belt
Pete LePage lists a number of mobile development tools, frameworks and libraries, and introduces a testing and iteration process meant to ensure an application works on as many devices as possible.
Panel: Shogun Showdown
Yehuda Katz, Jeremy Ashkenas, Nick Small, Alex MacCaw, and Igor Minar explain what can be done with their JavaScript frameworks, Ember, Batman, Angular, Backbone, Spine.
Visualizing Information with HTML5
Dio Synodinos explains and demoes HTML5 visualization tools and frameworks: CSS3, SVG, Canvas, WebGL, Raphaël, Processing.js, D3.js, Fabric.js, etc.
A Gentle Introduction to Ember
Tom Dale demoes creating an RSS reader in Ember.js, a JavaScript framework for creating complex web applications.
Asynchronous User Interfaces - How to Lie, Cheat and Steal
Alex MacCaw discusses the importance of asynchronous UIs, suggesting using Spine, an MVC JavaScript framework, to avoid blocking the UI, storing state + rendering on the client, and preloading data.
Nick Small introduces Batman.js, explaining what it is good for and why one should use it.