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Modeling Complex Data Structure in Golang Using Pointers, References, and Reverse Indices
Understanding pointers and references in Go can be challenging for many developers, especially those new to low-level programming languages. In this article, I’ll walk you through a program that leverages Go pointers and references to solve a real-world use case: a graph-based permission system.
Debugging Go Code: Using pprof and trace to Diagnose and Fix Performance Issues
In this article, we will look at how to identify and fix performance issues in Go programs using the pprof and trace packages. We will begin by covering the fundamentals of the tools, then delving into practical examples of how to use them. By the end of this article, you will have a solid understanding of how to use these powerful tools to improve the performance of your Go applications.
Build, Test, and Deploy Scalable REST APIs in Go
In this article, we'll look at how to use the gin framework to create a simple Go application. We will also learn how to use CircleCI, a continuous deployment tool, to automate testing and deployment.
Go Language at 13 Years: Ecosystem, Evolution, and Future in Conversation with Steve Francia
Go was started more than a decade ago in the Engineering department at Google. It was designed with the purpose of providing an easy-to-learn programming language that would allow to develop Google's systems at the next level. In the past decade, the language became more and more stable, currently being used for implementing some of the most popular tools on the web (Kubernetes, Terraform etc.).
Building Effective Microservices with gRPC, Ballerina, and Go
gRPC is a relatively new implementation of the Remote Procedure Call (RPC) API paradigm. It can play a major role in all synchronous communications between internal microservices. Here we examine key gRPC concepts, their usage, and benefits of having gRPC as an inter-service communication by using a real-world microservice use case.
Programming Languages InfoQ Trends Report - October 2019
This article provides a summary of how the InfoQ editorial team currently sees the adoption of technology and emerging trends within the programming language space, as of Q3, 2019.
Rewriting an API Gateway Service from Clojure to Golang: AppsFlyer Experience Report
AppsFlyer processes nearly 70+ billion HTTP requests a day, and is built using a microservices architecture style. The entry point to the system that wraps all of the frontend services is a mission-critical (non-micro) service called the API Gateway. This article is an experience reporting of migrating from a Clojure-based gateway to a newly designed Go-based implementation.
Using Golang to Build Microservices at The Economist: A Retrospective
Microservices written in Go was a key component of a new system that would enable The Economist to deliver scalable, high performing services and quickly iterate new products. Go's baked in concurrency and API support along with its design as a static, compiled language enabled a distributed eventing system. Overall, The Economist team's experience with Go has been a positive experience.
Book Review: The Go Programming Language
The Go Programming Language book, by Donovan and Kernighan, presents the key points of Go in an easy-to-digest book, along with useful tips and techniques. From a quick introduction to the syntax through concurrent programs with mutexes and goroutines, the book takes the reader on a beautiful voyage through Go’s fundamentals. Read on for InfoQ’s review.
Hologram - Finally, AWS Key Distribution that Makes Sense
Faced with the lack of solutions for secure distribution of AWS access keys to developers, AdRoll decided to build their own open source Hologram, a system that brings Amazon's Instance Profile mechanism to developer workstations. Adair details the process, tool design and main features.