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Dart: A Structured Web Programming Language
Gilad Bracha introduces Dart, Google’s new language for the web, explaining the reasons behind its conception, what it is and what it is not, some of the main features, unveiling plans for the future.
Grails in the Cloud
Peter Ledbrook outlines the differences between several PaaS providers from the perspective of building, deploying and running a Grails application in the cloud, demoing running it on Cloud Foundry.
Innovation at Google
Patrick Copeland on pretotyping: innovators beat ideas, pretotypes beat productypes, data beats opinions, doing beats talking, simple beats complex, now beats later, commitment beats committees.
Development at the Speed and Scale of Google
Ashish Kumar on how Google keeps the source code of over 2000 projects in a single code trunk containing 100s of M of code lines, with more than 5,000 developers accessing the same repository.
Google App Engine for Business 101
Christian Schalk introduces GAE, focusing on the upcoming GAE for Business, demoing some of its new features like hosted SQL, SSL, and SSO.
The Cloud Silver Bullet: Which Caliber Is Right for Me?
Chris Read takes a look at clouds from the operations perspective, presenting various types of clouds and their tradeoffs, and the process change the organization needs to go through.
Hooking Stuff Together - Programming the Cloud
Gregor Hohpe of Google discusses software as connecting services and components, describes the constraints of connected systems design, and presents common design patterns to solve those constraints.
Google App Engine and the Google Data APIs
This presentation introduces the Google App Engine and an overview of its features while building a simple application. Integration with the Google Data APIs is demonstrated.
Google Data API (GData)
The Google Data API (GData) provides a query language and Atom to provide search, read, and update capabilities to Google assets, including Calendar, Blogger, Picasa, CodeSearch, and Google Base.
Using Google Web Toolkit
Bruce Johnson goes in depth on Google Web Toolkit (GWT) a Java-centric framework for creating AJAX applications.