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  • Build Agility with Design Sprints

    Design sprints can be a powerful vehicle for challenging traditional ways-of-working that that hamstring business agility. Teams can solve challenging business and customer problems in incredibly creative, exciting and valuable ways, and as a group they are collectively more willing to kill bad ideas early.

  • Cultivating Attention and Awareness in Teams

    Technology makes it easier to collaborate, but also distracts us and can have negative consequences on the quality and content of our personal interactions. The mere presence of a cell phone can pull you away from a task and reduce your focus. An interview with Jeffery Hackert on cultivating attention, awareness and empathy when working in teams, and giving and receiving uninterrupted attention.

  • Large Scale Experimentation at Spotify

    When you want to scale the number of A/B tests to do many experiments at the same time, you need to adopt your processes and platform, and it might also impact your culture. Doing product research with controlled experiments helps to confront your ideas about how customers will use your product in reality, and check if those ideas actually impact user behaviour.

  • Technologies for the Future of Software Engineering

    The Cloud, infrastructure as code, federated architectures with APIs, and anti-fragile systems: these are technologies for developing software systems that are rapidly coming into focus, claimed Mary Poppendieck. Systems are moving towards the cloud, and APIs are replacing central shared databases and enable the internet of things. We need to develop anti-fragile systems which embrace failure.

  • Open Source Development at the UK Government

    New code developed for GOV.UK will be open by default. Coding in the open enables reuse and increases transparency. The UK government wants to provide digital services which are so good that people want to use them; services which are leading to better interaction between the government and citizen.

  • Dealing with the Impostor Syndrome

    The impostor syndrome refers to people who fear being exposed as a "fraud". They think that they do not belong where they are, don't deserve the success they have achieved, and are not as smart as other people think. According to Agile Coach Gitte Klitgaard, many high-achieving people suffer from the impostor syndrome. It hinders people in their work and stops them from following their dreams.

  • How to Deal with Cognitive Biases That Hinder Collaboration

    People are hardwired to instantly decide who we trust, but also to work collaboratively in small groups. Cognitive biases can get in the way of collaboration, but when you understand how these biases work and what agile practices can do to help, you are more likely to build better interpersonal relationships and create successful products.

  • Getting the Data Needed for Data Science

    Data science is about the data that you need; deciding which data to collect, create, or keep is fundamental argues Lukas Vermeer, an experienced Data Science professional and Product Owner for Experimentation at True innovation starts with asking big questions, then it becomes apparent which data is needed to find the answers you seek.

  • Using Models in Developing Software for Self-Driving Cars

    Models play an important role in developing software for autonomous systems like self-driving cars; they are used to simulate and verify behavior, document the system, and generate code. Jonathan Sprinkle explains how to model software used in autonomous systems, the benefits of modeling, using test data to validate the software that drives a car and techniques for writing reliable code.

  • Becoming a Responsive Enterprise

    Software-driven companies are taking over the world because they are responsive organizations, built on 'sense and respond' instead of 'plan and predict'. In the next decade every large scale organization will be digitized and will effectively become a software-driven enterprise. Vikram Kapoor, CEO at Prowareness, explored how organizations can increase their responsiveness.

  • Understanding Large Codebases with Software Evolution

    InfoQ interviewed Adam Tornhill, author of Your Code as a Crime Scene, about software evolution and mining social information from code and how to use this to increase the understanding of large codebases, how to create a geographical profile of code, and the benefits that can be gained from techniques like mining social information and geographical profiling.

  • Organisational Learning and the Importance of Real Communication

    InfoQ interviewed Stephen Carver about how bringing in procedures and rules often doesn't help to prevent problems, enabling communication between engineers working in different companies, taking learnings from failure to a next level to prevent similar problems, and what engineers can do if they want to influence decisions on developing and releasing products.

  • Using Microservices in the Internet of Things

    In this interview Fred George explains how the internet of things can exploit microservices and the challenges that the Internet of Things is posing and how to deal with them. InfoQ also asked him for advice for the software industry regarding the usage of microservices for the Internet of Things.

  • Support for Microservices

    Fred George talked about what organizations can do to successfully deploy microservices at the GOTO Berlin 2015 conference. InfoQ interviewed him about business and IT interaction for microservices, what organizations can do to support teams in using microservices, benefits of microservices and what the future will bring for microservices.

  • Microservices at Spotify

    Kevin Goldsmith talked about how Spotify uses microservices to break down architectures and be innovative at the GOTO Berlin 2015 conference. He argues that Microservices are easier to test, deploy and monitor than monolithic applications. Spotify also aims to have as few as possible dependencies in their product, and microservices are very helpful for that.