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Java News Roundup: JDK 24 in Rampdown, JDK 25 Expert Group, Jakarta EE 11 Core Profile, Spring Cloud
This week's Java roundup for December 2nd, 2024, features news highlighting: JDK 24 in Rampdown Phase One; the formation of the JDK 25 Expert Group; the release of Jakarta EE 11 Core Profile and Spring Cloud 2024.0.0; and point releases for GlassFish, Open Liberty, Quarkus and Apache Camel.
Oracle Ships GraalVM Java JIT Compiler - but Only in Its Own JDK
Oracle added the GraalVM Just-in-time (JIT) compiler as an experimental feature to Oracle JDK 23, its OpenJDK distribution, in September 2024. The GraalVM JIT compiler is faster than the standard OpenJDK JIT compiler and easier to maintain. Oracle's move is controversial because it has investigated including the GraalVM JIT compiler in all OpenJDK distributions, not just its own.
Java News Roundup: JDK 23, GraalVM for JDK 23, Jakarta EE 11 Update, Micronaut GraalPy, Azul
This week's Java roundup for September 16th, 2024, features news highlighting: the release of JDK 23 and GraalVM for JDK 23; an update on Jakarta EE 11 and plans for Jakarta EE 12; introducing Micronaut GraalPy; and Azul Zing Builds of OpenJDK 24.08.
Java News Roundup: Payara Platform, Piranha Cloud, Spring Milestones, JBang, Micrometer, Groovy
This week's Java roundup for September 9th, 2024, features news highlighting: the September 2024 Payara Platform, Piranha Cloud and Micrometer releases, Spring Framework 6.2.0-RC1, Spring Data 2024.1.0-M1, JBang 0.118.0 and Groovy 5.0.0-alpha-10.
Java News Roundup: JDK 23 in Rampdown Phase Two, Graal Development Kit, Payara Platform, JSpecify
This week's Java roundup for July 15th, 2024, features news highlighting: JDK 23 in Rampdown Phase Two: the July 2024 Payara Platform release; Graal Development Kit for Micronaut 4.5.0; GraalVM for JDK 22 Community 22.0.2; JSpecify 1.0.0, MicroProfile 7.0-RC1, Open Liberty; and the July 2024 Oracle Critical Patch Update.
Graal Cloud Native IntelliJ IDEA Plugin Enables Cloud Agnostic Projects Based on Micronaut
Oracle introduced version 1.0.0 of the open-source Graal Cloud Native (GCN) IntelliJ IDEA Plugin for IntelliJ Ultimate, Community and Aqua. The GCN is a cloud-agnostic development framework which is based on the Micronaut framework. The plugin provides a new project wizard for IntelliJ to create a project once and execute it on various cloud platforms.
Java News Roundup: OpenJDK Updates, Piranha Cloud, Spring Data 2024.0.0, GlassFish, Micrometer
This week's Java roundup for May 13th, 2024, features news highlighting: JEP 477, Implicitly Declared Classes and Instance Main Methods (Third Preview), proposed to target for JDK 23; the May 2024 edition of Piranha Cloud; Spring Data 2024.0.0; and point and milestone releases of Spring Framework, GlassFish and Micrometer.
Java News Roundup: Jakarta EE 11-M2, JEPs Targeted for JDK 23, Spring Boot, Hibernate, GlassFish
This week's Java roundup for April 15th, 2024, features news highlighting: the second milestone release of Jakarta EE 11; Stream Gathers (Second Preview) and Vector API (Eighth Incubator) targeted for JDK 23; the first release candidate of Spring Boot 3.3.0; the first alpha release of Hibernate 7.0.0; and the fifth milestone release of GlassFish 8.0.0.
GraalVM for JDK 22 Delivers Support for JDK 22 JEPs and New Truffle Version
Oracle released GraalVM for JDK 22, internally versioned 24.0. Java 22 was recently released and Oracle GraalVM for JDK 22 supports most of the JDK Enhancement Proposals (JEPs) of Java 22.
Java News Roundup: LibericaJDK with RISC-V, Payara Platform, Gradle 8.6, LangChain4j, Spring Cloud
This week's Java roundup for January 29th, 2024, features news highlighting: LibericaJDK 21 with support for RISC-V, January release of Payara Platform, Gradle 8.6, LangChain4j 0.26, GraalVM Native Build Tools 0.10, and multiple releases of Open Liberty and Eclipse Vert.x.
Java News Roundup: JDK 22 in Rampdown Phase Two, JEPs for JDK 23, Jakarta EE 11, GraalVM
This week's Java roundup for January 15th, 2024, features news highlighting: JEP 455 Proposed to Target for JDK 23, JDK 22 in Rampdown Phase Two, an updated Jakarta EE 11 release plan, GraalVM, and Oracle’s Critical Patch Update for January 2024.
Java News Roundup: GlassFish 8.0-M1, 2023 Highlights from Spring, BellSoft and WildFly
It was very quiet for the week of December 25th, 2023, but InfoQ found a few news items of interest that include: Eclipse GlassFish 8.0.0-M1, Apache Camel 3.22.0, Gradle 8.6-RC1, an updated draft specification for JEP 455, and retrospectives into the 2023 highlights from Spring, BellSoft and WildFly.
MySQL Introduces Javascript Support in Preview
Oracle recently announced that the MySQL database server now supports JavaScript functions and procedures. JavaScript for stored routines is currently in preview and only available in the MySQL Enterprise Edition and MySQL Heatwave.
Java News Roundup: Helidon 4.0, Eclipse Serializer 1.0, JEPs for JDK 22
This week's Java roundup for October 23rd, 2023, features news from OpenJDK, JDK 22, Jakarta Data 1.0-M1, GraalVM 21.0.1, Spring 6.1-RC2, Spring Modulith 1.1-RC1, Spring Vault 3.1-RC1, Helidon 4.0, Eclipse Serializer 1.0, Quarkus 3.5, Liberica NIK 22.3.4, Hibernate ORM 6.4-CR1, Hibernate Search 7.0-CR1, Maven 4.0.0-alpha8, Camel 4.0.2, Camel Quarkus 3.5, JHipster Lite 0.46 and JDKMonitor.
Java News Roundup: Unnamed Variables and Patterns, WildFly 30, MicroProfile 6.1, Payara Platform
This week's Java roundup for October 16th, 2023, features news from OpenJDK, JDK 22, BellSoft, Oracle VS Code extension, WildFly 30, Payara Platform, MicroProfile 6.1, EclipseCon and releases for GraalVM Native Build Tools, Spring Boot, Spring Security, Spring Authorization Server, Spring Cloud Dataflow, Micronaut, Quarkus, Open Liberty, Apache TomEE, Apache Tomcat, JHipster and JHipster Lite.