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Starting Fast: Investigating Java's Static Compilation Landscape
Dan Heidinga discusses how to start a Java application faster, and how Graal Substrate VM, Quarkus, Project Leyden, and others can help with that.
How the HotSpot and Graal JVMs Execute Java Code
James Gough discusses HotSpot, explores Graal and the JVM ecosystem to discover performance benefits of a platform 25 years in the making.
Maximizing Applications Performance with GraalVM
Alina Yurenko shows how to make real-world applications GraalVM-ready, and how languages like JavaScript, Ruby, R and Python can also benefit from GraalVM.
Spring Framework 5.2: Core Container Revisited
Juergen Hoeller covers some of the Spring Framework 5.2 technologies: R2DBC, RSocket, the core component container for GraalVM support and compile-time annotation indexing.
Running Spring Boot Applications as GraalVM Native Images
Andy Clement and Sébastien Deleuze share the latest status on allowing running Spring Boot applications as GraalVM-native images for instant startup and low memory consumption.
Quarkus and GraalVM: Booting Hibernate at Supersonic Speed, Subatomic Size
Sanne Grinovero discusses how Quarkus was created, how it works and how it’s able to get complex libraries such as Hibernate ORM compatible with GraalVM native images.
Graal: How to Use the New JVM JIT Compiler in Real Life
Chris Thalinger discusses how to use Graal with JDK 10, how to compile an upstream Graal version, and what to look out for when using it for benchmarking or even in production.
Maximizing Performance with GraalVM
Thomas Wuerthinger discusses the best practices for Java code and compiler configurations to maximize performance with GraalVM and how to measure performance in a reliable manner.
Graal: Not Just a New JIT for the JVM
Duncan MacGregor takes a look at the differences between C2 and Graal, what this can mean for the performance of a code, and what else is possible with this new JIT.